4 . Choose worship song lyrics the people can understand . Martin Luther wrote , “ I beg you to join hands with us and make the attempt to transform a Psalm into a hymn , after the pattern I enclose . I desire , however , that newfangled words , and courtly expressions be omitted in order that the language may be the simplest and most familiar to the people .” Well-crafted lyrics and melodies are memorable and engage the hearts , minds and voices of the congregation .
5 . Choose familiar songs . Although the worship team enjoys learning new songs , the crowd is more interested in worshipping God than they are in learning new songs during the worship service . Worship teams need to remember their primary role is to serve God by serving the lead pastor and the congregation not sharing new music . The congregation is more likely to participate when they don ’ t have to focus on learning a new song .
6 . Choose new songs that are easy to learn and hard to forget . Be careful : singing too many new songs will diminish vocal participation ( because they are learning , not singing ). However , novelty ( the new ) is scriptural and benefits congregational participation . The Bible mentions singing a new song six times in the Bible . ( Ps 96:1 , 98:1 , 144:9 , 149:1 , Rev . 5:9 , 14:3 )
7 . Choose songs that are aesthetically beautiful , impactful , and bear fruit . California Baptist University ’ s Professor of Composition , Glenn Pickett , teaches six things that make good music : Surprise , Clear Beginnings and Endings , Forward Motion , Building Blocks that Build Over Time , Climax and Interesting Shape . Good music will be both beautiful and impactful . Good worship music must also bear the fruit of congregational participation and spiritual transformation .
HOW TO E . N . G . A . G . E . YOUR CONGREGATION After choosing great songs the Worship Leader must prayerfully , intentionally , and skillfully engage the crowd in worship . The difference between and artist and a worship leader is subtle , yet profound . An artist is like a fire . Everyone watching the fire is amazed at the fire ’ s awesome power ! All the focus is on the fire . By contrast the worship leader , instead of being the fire , lights the fire . The congregation becomes the fire that engages in red hot worship . The point of worship leading is to connect the crowd to God not the worship team . Here are six things you and your team can do to E . N . G . A . G . E . your congregation in worship .
E . EXEMPLIFY WORSHIP Leaders who want to engage others into worship must first lead by example . Jesus led his disciples by his example . “ For to this you have been called , because Christ also suffered for you , leaving you an example , so that you might follow in his steps .” 1 Peter 2:21 Paul modeled worship when he said , “ What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me — practice these things , and the God of peace will be with you .” Phil . 4:9 The role of the worship leader and worship team is modeling true worship : be Authentic .
N . NEVER OVER-SING OR PLAY Over-singing and playing is unfortunate , and very common , as it silences the crowd and is often a sign of unhealthy ego or inappropriate song keys . Bringing attention to ourselves is a misuse of the platform . Singing the melody , using a few ad-libs to encourage participation , is more helpful to the congregation . “ And whatever you do , in word or deed , do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus , giving thanks to God the Father through him .” Col . 3:17 Lead in the key of the congregation .
G . GET TO KNOW YOUR CROWD Many worship teams spend too much time in their greenrooms and not enough time in the Worship Center with the congregation . Jesus spent time with his disciples but also spent time in the crowds … with the people : Jesus was interacting with a crowd when a woman expressed her faith in him : “ If I only touch his cloak , I will be healed .” Jesus turned and saw her . “ Take heart , daughter ,” he said , “ your faith has healed you .” Matt 9:20-22 Crowd participation increases as the crowd knows their leader and team . Get out of the greenroom and spend time with the congregation .
A . ASK GOD TO MULTIPLY YOUR EFFORTS AND GIVE YOU STRENGTH Our resources may be limited but God ’ s aren ’ t . “ For the sake of Christ , then , I am content with weaknesses , insults , hardships , persecutions , and calamities . For when I am weak , then I am strong .” 2 Cor . 12:10 Engaging people in worship requires planning , preparation , God ’ s power and our trusting God for the results . The best things that happen in the worship service are the things God does .
G . GIVE YOUR BEST Worship leaders who engage the congregation in worship know their music so well they focus on people more than programs . The Bible says , “ If we are leaders , we should do our best .” Romans 12:8b I think of leading worship as a matter of life and death . Worship leaders and teams need to take their ministry seriously because it is serious . Preparation enables us to focus on people not just the program .
E . ENCOURAGE PARTICIPATION There are several ways to encourage participation : model participation ; use familiar songs ; put the songs in the key of the congregation ; be enthusiastic ; inspire others with truth , mystery and beauty ; give clear instructions ; lead in a way that is easy to follow ; arrange the instruments and vocals in a way that encourages the congregation to participate ; mix the music so the congregation can hear themselves : “ O come , let us sing for joy to the LORD , Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation .” Psalm 95:1 Worship leaders show their love for God and others .