Worship Musician Magazine May 2021 | Page 18

so gracious to come and be a part of it as well . I ' m just excited .
[ WM ] “ Fe y Asombro ” ( Faith and Wonder ) is a magnificent song , and now it ’ s especially impactful to hear it in Spanish along with your guest , Lucia Parker . I think so often the element of wonder is missing in our churches . Seeing my 3-year-old granddaughter ’ s facial expressions while viewing the ocean for the first time , prompts me to think about the subject of wonder . What are your thoughts on communicating the lyrical truths of this song to a new audience ?
[ Meredith ] Hmm . Well , I mean , we ' re called to live by faith and not by sight , right ? And when we have eyes of faith , when we ' re able to kind of peer behind the curtain a little bit and elevate our vision beyond what is seen in the natural , we actually get a glimpse of what is unseen . When we can see through eyes of faith , that is where the wonder comes from . It ' s like you said of your granddaughter . It ' s that childlike faith , it ' s that wonder , it ' s like seeing for the first time and I believe that that ' s the experience that God wants to take us on . He ' s always doing new things . He ' s always doing something new . He ' s creative and that ' s how He operates . And so we get to see through the lens of faith and see the way that he ' s creating and making things beautiful . And that is what inspires our wonder .
Yes , we live in a broken world and yes , there is a lot of darkness . But His love and his light overcome that darkness . And so , when we can just raise our vision to heaven and believe and walk in that faith in God … I want to live by faith and not by sight and that is what inspires the awe and wonder within us to go , God , you are bigger than all of these things that I see in the natural . And I believe that your light is greater than the darkness . I believe that the name of Jesus is higher than any other name and so even in pain and suffering , I can celebrate . I can worship . I can walk by faith . I can have joy . I just pray that is communicated through the song .
Fe y Asombro ( feat . Lucia Parker )
[ WM ] That ' s great . This is good stuff , Meredith .
[ Meredith ] Awesome .
[ WM ] In talking with many artists , touring musicians , and teachers , I know there is so much “ pent-up ” energy to get back out on the road and to simply serve at church , after being confined for so long due to Covid 19 . I ’ d like to conclude our time by asking you what are your thoughts on this ?
[ Meredith ] I think this question could be a whole other interview in and of itself ! I ' ll try to keep it short . 2020 for me was definitely a chance to kind of hit the reset button in a lot of ways . I know many people have said that , but it was a realignment of where is my identity , and is my identity tied to what I do . Because a lot of times , if I ' m not doing things that feel meaningful , I kind of feel like , well , “ What ' s my value anymore ?” And the Lord really had to kind of get to the root of that in my own heart by just saying , “ You hold value , even if your output has come to zero ”.
And just trusting that there are seasons . There are ebbs and flows , and there are times when God actually invites us into hidden places and where we quiet our hearts and we turn off the noise and maybe we ' re not as productive as we ' re used to being .
This is so counterintuitive for me because I just tend to want to be productive and get things done , right ? But God is inviting us into a rest . He ' s inviting us into these hidden places where we can hear him in ways that we never have before . I definitely feel like , “ Oh , I cannot wait to be back with the church ”. I actually have in
some capacity , like our church is meeting , and I ' ve gotten to actually lead in some places here and there , but I also don ' t want to rush back into it .
I think one of the things that God has taught me specifically in this season is intentionality ; being present in the moment , being very tuned into God ; and asking Him , “ Are you inviting me into this , or is this something that I would just do because it looks good on paper ?” Just how can I be aware of the Father ' s invitation and what He ' s actually saying , like , “ Yes , I ' m calling you into this ”. So , it ' s been a little bit of a shift for me where I don ' t want to just do everything that comes across the desk . Instead , I want to ask Him , “ How can I partner with You in this , or is this actually for someone else ? Do I need to be home with my family during this time ?” I ’ m just kind of learning to listen better and not just blaze a trail , unless it ' s a trail that God has called me to blaze , if that makes sense .
[ WM ] Yes , it does make sense ! I really resonate with what you ' re saying because I ' ve had that in my life as well . Where I would be inactive for , I mean , not even a week , and start feeling depressed and like I wasn ' t doing what I should be up to out on the road or in the studio . And then I would just get quiet and pray and the phone would ring and there it was , my next assignment . So . it was about getting back in touch with the Lord and being still .
Meredith , it ’ s always great to visit with you . Thanks again for this time today !
[ Meredith ] Of course . Thanks so much , Alex . It was good talking with you .
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