Worship Musician Magazine March 2024 | Page 94

Playing with loops ( programmed percussion / drum patterns ) and stems ( music tracks ) is part of the culture of today ’ s drummer . There ’ s just no getting around it . Every musician must get comfortable with it . This is even more challenging than just playing to a click track . Sometimes you can move around the click to create a different feel or energy for various sections of a song . But with loops and stems there is no straying from the feel of what ’ s already recorded . If you do you just sound off ! So , let ’ s look at some ideas for getting use to this world of becoming part of the machine without sounding like a machine . Even if you do this a lot with your band , it ’ s good to practice by yourself to check your time and feel against the loop . Remember to record your practice sessions so you can go back to hear how you really sound .
1 . PLAYING AROUND THE LOOP . You can do this with any loop program that is part of the DAW ( digital audio workstation ) you use . There are a lot of free ones , but I recommend investing in something you want to grow with . If you ’ re a Mac user you may already have Garage Band , which you can expand into Logic . Whatever you ’ re using here ’ s where you begin .
Open the loop program and just find something interesting to you . Set it to repeat ( loop ) a 2 or 4-bar phrase . Rather than copying it on the kit try playing notes that are not part of the loop . For instance , if the pattern is busy with 16 th notes then play more of a 1 / 4 note or 1 / 8 note groove . By doing this you become totally aware of how your groove is working around the loop . If the loop is an actual drum pattern , rather than percussion or techno sounds , play snare and kick patterns that are not part of the drum loop . This can get pretty wacky sounding but remember you ’ re doing it to see how you play around the program . Work on making if feel like you are part of the loop . Really ! You must become one with the machine . Don ’ t be in a hurry to change a pattern too quickly . Lock into 4 or 8 bar phrases of an idea so you get use to relaxing inside “ the pocket .” If playing with a loop that is actual drum sounds is too weird , find ones that don ’ t sound anything like your kit . This may help you discover some interesting musical concepts .
Even though you ’ re doing this as an exercise , if you find something that sounds amazing , be sure to record it . Practicing like this many times can lead to musical creations that become part of songs later . That ’ s why it ’ s important to record everything you do .
2 . REMOVING A LIMB . OK … I obviously don ’ t mean this for real . What I mean is … choose a part of your pattern to leave out . The easiest thing to do is to leave out the snare . I will let the loop play backbeats or anything that sounds like the main part of the groove , but I won ’ t use that limb . For me that ’ s the left hand . I will literally play with my left hand down at my side . It ’ s amazing how this makes you focus on how your other limbs line up with the loop . You can even try things like playing only your feet and no hand patterns at all . This is all about getting your ears to really listen to the musical concepts that the loop plays . AND … don ’ t forget to try it with your hands playing over the loop but doing nothing with your feet . If you ’ re also a percussionist this may feel very natural , but for drum set players it can be very strange .
3 . LOOK MA ! ONE HAND ! This is getting even better . So , you see I ’ m becoming more minimal as we go . HA … what a clash of terms … “ more minimal ”. I love this . Remember this is all an
exercise in becoming a great listener so you can groove better . Choose ONE limb and use that to interact with the loop . It ’ s amazing to let a loop play the main idea throughout a song and then just try a ride pattern with your right hand . Then try it with the left hand too ! You ’ ll find it becomes challenging for the weak limb to stay consistent . Keep working it until it becomes strong and steady . It ’ s good to lock into a pattern at least for eight bars . Better yet , for three minutes .
Remember this is not about being busy or complex but locking into the loop and making it feel musical and precise at the same time . Take your time . Start with what feels simple and build as you go . Have fun .
Blessings .
Carl Albrecht Professional drummer for 30 + years , playing with Paul Baloche , Don Moen , Ron Kenoly , Abe Laboriel , LeAnn Rimes and others . He ’ s also a clinician , author & pastor . Contact Carl for coaching , online lessons , producing , or sessions . I ’ m still growing too ... www . CarlAlbrecht . com LMAlbrecht @ aol . com
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