of made us all be like , “ this is amazing ”. And it was such a good exercise in getting us out of our normal habits or our normal tendencies and being like , “ what ’ s the craziest thing we could make right now ”? It was a spark of inspiration to think , “ Hey , let ’ s just get everything in our brains in the universe . The craziest thing , the coolest thing we can think of ”. I don ’ t even know if that ’ s how it came about because two of our guys wrote it , but it was inspired by us all kind of bringing our inspiration or what was igniting that in us to the table , which is just such a cool thing .
[ WM ] You listen to a wide range of things . That ’ s what gets us moving and gets us going . It ’ s such a soulful song and just overall a fabulous song and arrangement . It immediately caught my ear and I ’ ve sent it off to several folks to listen to . My son had an interesting observation . He said that he loved the way the musicians are set up at a little communal desk sitting and worship needs more than of ‘ that ’”. But it was really cool , and so different to have the staging like that . No smoke machines . Everybody was not out front . No virtual projection . It wasn ’ t anything like I have seen before .
[ Aaron ] Something we did , and I think at one of our conferences we always run into what do we want the stage plot to be ? What do we want the stage design to be ? How should we lay things out ? And we ’ ve done it in all kinds of ways on huge stages , small stages . And I think something personally for me , I loved being able to see everyone . What if we just put everybody together and we did a makeshift version of it a couple years ago , maybe back in 2019 . It was just like all of our stands were together . But then maybe it was at a worship night we did last year where we recorded this song . What if we just get this big table and put everything on that ? It was kind of cool . And being able to look at each other , there ’ s instincts that happen when I ’ m watching Mariah , I ’ m usually helping lead the band and that sort of thing , but I can tell by Mariah ’ s body language or Carlos ’ s body language , like , okay , we ’ re going to build here , do these , pivot to this . And it ’ s cool to be able to do that with the rest of the musicians too . There ’ s a contagious sense when that gets developed .
[ WM ] Absolutely . I ’ ve been to churches where I feel sorry for drummers , me being one . I feel sorry for drummers because I ’ ve been to churches where they didn ’ t even have them in the same room ! they were and their
[ Aaron ] Their in their own little apartment somewhere ( team laughs ).
[ WM ] Well , your current single release is “ Everything At Your Feet ”. The melody is memorable , singable and anthemic . There ’ s an element of risk and abandon to worship within it . What can you tell us about this song ?
[ Mariah ] We were we all there writing this song .
[ Carlos ] We did . We did . Alex , I love what
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