Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 6



By Alexander W . MacDougall
Eric Liljero
Eric Liljero and Jonatan ( Jonathan ) Brandström are vital and longstanding songwriters and worship leaders with Stockholm Worship . The life and ministry of their home church has been captured in the exceptional new live recording , Stockholm Worship : Presented by Hillsong . Join us here as Eric and Jonatan reveal their hearts for worship and all-things kingdom .
[ Alex ] I ’ m really thrilled to be meeting with you both today . Thank you so much for this opportunity .
[ Eric Liljero ] Thank you for spending time with us . I mean , doing this and getting our story out there . We really appreciate that .
[ WM ] We ’ ll start with this question . My understanding is that roughly 61 % of the Swedish population identify as part of the Church of Sweden , which is Lutheran . And by that I don ’ t necessarily mean that these people are committed followers of Jesus and regular churchgoers , but nevertheless , they identify with the church . Tell us about Stockholm Worship . You obviously must have filled a huge void , prevalent in the culture . Tell us about the worshiping community and the genesis of your church there and what God is doing in Sweden ?
[ Eric ] Maybe I can start , and I hope the transcription software will understand my Swedish accent . It ’ s true what you ’ re saying , that the 61 % are a part of the state church . But that ’ s something automatically that happens when you get born . So , it ’ s not even something that people choose , but then you can choose to leave it . That doesn ’ t reflect how many people that would consider themselves as follower of Christ . I think the latest numbers on that is maximum 2 %. So , 2 % to 3 % of the Swedish population are believers , which then you understand to be a Christian here is something that takes a lot of courage . You need to be bold . Like it ’ s not something common .
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