Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 54

David Hislop


Through our Pre-NAMM HANG we got to know and like David Hislop and Kenyon Reed . We share their interest in music gear and their search for good guitar tone . When we heard that they were launching a new company producing tone tools for our fellow worship guitar players , we knew it was time to sit down with them and hear all about it .
[ WM ] What is Tone Factor and how did it come about ?
[ David Hislop ] Well first off , as touring and studio guitar players we are also inherently huge gearheads that are crazy passionate about good tone to the point that it is hard to play and be inspired if your tone sucks . Achieving good tone is big part of a guitarist ’ s journey in finding their own sound . Tone inspires us and influences what we play and how we play . It ’ s both what you say and how you say it .
Throughout our years of recording and touring with Bethel Music and others , we have used a lot of gear . We are huge fans of using realdeal tube amps to achieve the best tone . I have had tons of requests over the years to make presets and profiles of my amps available for others to use on digital platforms . Back in 2019 , I decided to check out the world of amp modelers myself and see what I could get out of them . To be honest , I was never too impressed of the tones I heard from others using all in digital gear , but I have also
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