Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 48

MATTERS OF THE HEART | Vance & Michelle Shepherd
One of the responsibilities of pouring into the next generation of worship leaders is being called to help shape their outlook on worship , and helping them to understand their personal role in leading people in expressing their hearts to God . On the one hand , we ’ re teaching them to strive for excellence and dedication in their musicality , but on the other , we strive to help cultivate in them a selfless heart of worship that isn ’ t seeking the limelight or the accolades for themselves , but always strives to give to others and bring glory to God .
Our students were invited to lead worship at a new church , and for that particular weekend , not all of our students were able to be there due to summer vacations , etc . We ended up having only three lead vocalists , with four worship songs in the set , which meant that we would be able to give the three vocalists each a song , with one song left over . The vocalists wanted to know how we were going to “ split ” the fourth song between all of them , and we realized then that we had a teachable moment . We asked one of the vocalists if any of them would be upset if we gave the extra song to just one of them to lead ( meaning that someone would get to lead two songs , while the other vocalists only led one ), and she said that the other girls would probably feel bad if they only led one song , and someone else got to lead two . So then we asked her what would happen if we gave her two songs to lead , and she said that because her and the other vocalists were such good friends , they would probably be fine with that . We explained to her that any service that we do unto the Lord is the same in importance , whether it be leading a song vocally , or backing up the worship leader on harmonies or playing an instrument . It ’ s all service and worship to the Lord no matter what you ’ re doing , and it ’ s all just as important to the body of Christ .
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 is a great section of scripture that you could share with your youth worship team this Sunday , to re-focus them in the role they ’ re serving in this weekend ’ s service , with the emphasis on verse 27 : ​
Now you are the body of Christ , and each one of you is a part of it ”... This whole passage draws a parallel between the human body and the church body ; that the human body has many parts : ears , eyes , feet , etc ., and that all work together , making it function in unison to accomplish everyday living and tasks . The church body has many people with different skills and gifts that make it work together to serve His purpose . If we look at verses 22-24 , we see that the service of one person is no greater than another and shouldn ’ t receive any special treatment ; that the service of another that may appear to be less glorious is not less valued .
On the contrary , those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable , 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor . And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty , 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment . But God has put the body together , giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it , 25 so that there should be no division in the body , but that its parts should have equal concern for each other .”
If we can get our youth to really understand this passage , it will change their outlook on worship and their heart of service to the Lord and to the church .
So whether you ’ re on the backline of the stage , or out front and center , it ’ s great to constantly remind yourself why you ’ re there .
Here are two things to be aware of in our attitude of service :
WHEN WE ’ RE IN THE FLESH : It can be easy for us to want the spotlight and have a bad attitude if we feel “ left out ’, like we ’ re “ taking the back seat ,” or we feel that someone has a “ greater ” role than us . We can be looking for
compliments and human accolades , instead of focusing on our own worship toward the Lord .
WHEN WE ’ RE IN THE SPIRIT : We naturally want to serve as a team player to achieve the ultimate goal of the local church , which is to save the lost and bring people to a closer relationship with God . In the Spirit , we will be moldable and go where and when we are needed to serve , in whatever capacity that we ’ re needed . We will have joy , compassion and fulfillment in whatever role we ’ re placed in , feeling at peace with no strife .
May you be blessed as you pour into or become the next generation of worship leaders and musicians !
Vance & Michelle Shepherd Founders of The Shepherd School of Music in Las Vegas , NV , where they work with youth to raise up the next generation of worship leaders and musicians . facebook . com / shepherdschoolofmusiclasvegas www . ShepherdStudiosLV . com
48 March 2023 Subscribe for Free ...