Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 34

I ’ m writing this article in the middle of winter , and right now , all of my voice students are complaining of the same things : feeling stiffness in the voice , difficulty projecting , effortful singing , vocal fatigue , sluggish vibrato , and more .
These symptoms could be tied to a number of different conditions , from acid reflux to respiratory infections . But one of the most common culprits , especially during this time of year , is lack of moisture .
OUR VOICES DON ’ T WORK WITHOUT WATER When the vocal folds are dehydrated due to lack of fluid intake or exposure to dry air , they become stiffer and less supple . This increases the amount of energy it takes to create the vocal fold oscillation that produces the sound of our voice . In other words , it becomes harder to sing . This increased effort , combined with the increased stiffness of the vocal folds themselves , means that singers become more vulnerable to vocal fatigue and even injury when they are not receiving adequate levels of hydration .
HYDRATION : THERE ’ S MORE THAN ONE KIND ! Systemic hydration refers to hydration that is delivered to our entire bodies . This type of hydration comes from the fluids that we ingest , and it supports our overall health and most certainly improves vocal fold function . And good news : this includes all the fluids that we consume , including the juice in our fruits , the broth in our soup , and yes , even milk and coffee !
Topical hydration refers to hydration that is delivered through surface tissues to a localized part of our bodies . When it comes to topical hydration for voice care , this would usually refer to methods such as humidification , steam inhalation , or nebulizing sterile saline solution . We increase the humidity levels in the environment by using a humidifier , and we infuse our vocal tract with moisture by using a steam inhaler or a nebulizer . All of these methods help to restore humidity levels to the vocal folds as well as the surrounding tissues in the vocal tract .
Think of systemic hydration as delivering moisture from the inside out , while topical hydration delivers moisture from the outside in . Both are essential to optimal vocal function , especially during the winter season when the air is especially dry .
STRATEGIES FOR KEEPING YOUR VOICE HAPPY IN DRY CONDITIONS It ’ s not uncommon for instrumentalists to go to great lengths to protect their gear . Singers need to take the same kind of care with their voices , especially when the elements make it harder to sing efficiently . Here are a few ways to keep your voice hydrated and healthy :
1 . Use a humidifier in rooms where the air is dry . Use the right type of humidifier for the size of your room , and aim to have 40 % to 60 % humidity levels .
2 . Use steam inhalation for when you are experiencing throat dryness , hoarseness / laryngitis , discomfort , or congestion . Steam inhalation is an especially effective way to help combat hoarseness and can offer immediate relief from the physical sensations of dehydration in the vocal tract . The vapor helps to thin out any congestion that may be present in the nasal passage or the throat . The water droplets and the temperature of the steam can also be very soothing for voices that are feeling especially fatigued or irritated , particularly in the case of those suffering from a cold or cough . The warmth can even help with muscle tension in the face and throat .
3 . Use a nebulizer with a sterile saline solution , especially when you feel like you have to exert more effort to sing or speak . The water droplets produced by nebulizers are much smaller , which means they are more efficient at penetrating the deeper tissues of the vocal folds . It ’ s important to keep your nebulizer clean and only use sterile saline solution when nebulizing to prevent any bacteria from penetrating the lungs . If in doubt , such as in the case of singers with pre-existing respiratory conditions , seek the advice of your doctor before starting a nebulizing regimen to ensure your health and safety .
4 . Drink enough fluids . It ’ s difficult to gauge exactly how much water is right for each person , because our hydration needs depend on a number of different factors such as body mass , activity levels , and more . The rule of thumb is this : drink until your urine is light or colorless , and small sips throughout the day are better than gulping large amounts of water at a time . And if you ’ re feeling thirsty , you ’ re already dehydrated — so don ’ t wait until you ’ re thirsty to take a drink !
It may require an adjustment in your lifestyle or preparation habits to incorporate these tools into your routine , but don ’ t let that stop you . Hydration is one of the easiest ways to support your voice and your overall health , no matter the weather and time of year , so it ’ s worth the effort !
Renee Maranan Renee is an acclaimed vocal instructor , voice teacher trainer , and life coach . She has been teaching voice for over 20 years and works with singers , vocal instructors , and performers from all over the world . For more vocal help , visit www . ReneeMaranan . com follow her on Instagram @ reneemaranan
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