Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 26

times that I had ever read about .
And I read that Chuck did that , and I just wept . I was so moved . I thought , “ We cannot mess the scene up . The scene must be perfect .” That ’ s really where you can feel the heart of the audience began to open and the tears start to come . When Chuck got down on his knees and he washed the feet of those kids and humbled himself , it was the most beautiful act of love and humility . But he was also standing in the gap for those kids .
[ WM ] I wonder what Kelsey Grammar thought of being told that this is what he was going to do , because that ’ s not an easy thing to do , not even for an actor . It ’ s a strange thing to do .
[ Brent ] I thought that too . I never got into it with him , but I mean , those kids , you know , we dirtied their feet . Their feet were filthy . Their feet were muddy caked with dirt and ash , and he did it . He really did it . It just was a very touching
Kelsey Grammer Gets Emotional Talking About “ Jesus Revolution ”
moment . And he went there , man , he went for it . Never complained , never said , this is weird . I don ’ t want to do it . I mean fully committed , you know , a hundred percent . And , I just think it ’ s the best thing he ’ s ever done , and he carried it so well . It ’ s such a spiritual , beautiful , loving performance and portrayal .
[ WM ] Ah , that ’ s beautiful ! Well , let ’ s close this up for now . This has been a beautiful interview and I thank you from the bottom of my heart , David , for setting this up .
[ David ] ( tears ) I was going to jump in , but I wanted to just be a bird on the fence just listening in . Alex , I appreciate your questions . You just bring such a unique perspective of being in the middle of it . Thank you , Alex , for , for the questions and your perspective and love hearing these stories and would love to connect with you again after this . And then Brent , thanks for all you do and thanks for this story .
[ Brent ] I validate your tears my friend . I ’ ve shed more tears over this movie than all my other movies combined . It ’ s very special . And no human being can take credit for the loving impact it ’ s gonna have on people ’ s lives . And so , your tears mean a lot to me . It ’ s been like a spiritual journey to a summer camp with family and friends that you don ’ t want to end , you know ?
[ All ] Thank you for this time !
26 March 2023 Subscribe for Free ...