Worship Musician Magazine March 2023 | Page 10

we have to be that honest . I remember when we started writing this song , and it ’ s such a powerful song when it talks about Mary at the tomb , and as a metaphor when she talks about it she ’ s crying and we wanted to use that . We talked about that specific moment when she cries and she ’ s wondering , “ Where … where are you Jesus right now ?”
We wanted to use that also as you go through life . You go through seasons where you ’ re crying and we wanted to write like , “ It ’ s okay to cry , but let those tears dry and fix your eyes on Jesus ”, because that ’ s what we needed to do . But I remember writing the bridge and it ’ s out of 1 Corinthians 15 at the end of that chapter , I think it ’ s verse 55 or something like that , where he goes , “ Where , O death , is your victory ? Where , O death , is your sting ?” And , and we wanted to write out of that , and I can even remember Eric looking at me and asking , “ Can you sing this ? Can you sing these words ?” And it ends going , “ We know . We know who won ”.
I remember even though we ’ ve gone through this season and it ’ s sometimes unexplainable . If you haven ’ t gone through something similar , we felt like it ’ s such a powerful thing to be in that season and still lift your eyes and asking , “ Sin , where ’ s your power ? Death ? Where ’ s your sting ? We know , we know who won . Jesus Messiah ”. And so , it ’ s actually a really powerful proclamation song , and I ’ m so happy that we managed to ride it out of the season we ’ ve gone through . And it ’ s been such a powerful journey too , because when we ’ ve gone through , when we went through this , I mean , the church was so close and Eric especially , and were so close to us during that season . It was something so special with the church family , walking with us through that season . And then I , I can even remember the first time we sang it in church , it was such a powerful song , and it was just like , the church really connected with this song because they were a part of the journey as well . So , it ’ s a powerful song .
[ WM ] Jonatan , I am so very sorry for your loss . That just really touches my heart , your testimony there . And I don ’ t know what to say except , it ’ s a wonderful song and it ’ s very powerful . Thank you . Let me switch gears a second here . Recently Sweden has been in the news regarding a potential membership with NATO . And this is based upon possible Russian expansion ambitions . I ’ m going to get to the point here , just hang on . The sabers of war are rattling , and it ’ s a horrific thought for all of us . Is there an uneasiness within the Swedish people , over this prospect ? There certainly is that feeling of fear and uncertainty here in America . Are the Swedish people now visiting church looking for peace and comfort ?
[ Eric ] To a certain point , I think people do , but I think like if you come here and you experience the culture , and you ’ ll see how secular it is . I mean , sometimes I think we as Christian followers , we go like , “ Jesus is the answer ”. You know , we , that ’ s , we like to go on the on the streets and scream that . And I think a lot of people when we go like , Jesus is the answer , people go like , “ Okay , that ’ s cool , but what ’ s the question ?” You know , like , “ The answer to what ?” You know what I mean ? There ’ s been generation after generation not growing up as Christians . So , to a certain point , people turn to the church .
I think there ’ s a lot of fear . And I think the enemy is always using fear to draw people away from God . And I think that ’ s what ’ s been , to sort of answer your question , that ’ s what ’ s been powerful with this project and with the worship . We ’ re not a worship artist . We ’ re a worship team ! We didn ’ t write for a project . We wrote for a church for the people . Like Jonatan and Johanna lost their son , or my sister went through some mental health issues , or for someone else who went through a divorce or … you know what I mean ? Like , so like there ’ s so many stories behind all of these things and behind all these songs and the songs have almost become as weapons , you know ?
So , to a certain point , yes , people are coming a church , and when they come to church , they find these weapons with the worship .
Cause isn ’ t the essence of worship is that we fix our attention on God , and He ’ ll change us from things ? That ’ s what Romans tell us . And I think that ’ s been powerful . People are coming back to church . And I think God is going to use this , what the enemy is trying to , you know , is trying to make for evil … God is going to turn around . People are going to come to church , and people are going to be saved and find the hope in Christ . That ’ s what we ’ re praying , and that ’ s what we believe .
[ Jonatan ] I just wanted to add to that because I think you ’ re completely right , Eric . And , and I think that ’ s why we ’ re so keen with this project , because as you ask , are people turning to church ? I don ’ t think Swedes in general know how to turn to church . And that ’ s why we we ’ re longing to . Personally , I ’ ve really experienced a peace beyond all understanding when I shouldn ’ t have peace . I have experienced it along with my wife and family . And that ’ s why we are so keen on getting out there with the songs with this because songs have always a special way of reaching people ’ s hearts . As Eric says , a few people turn to church , but there ’ s so many that I believe need to come to church . And they need the experience of meeting God in a worship moment .
And that ’ s why this project is so important , where we put songs and we put scripture in a way that sometimes just goes through barriers , if you know what I mean . That ’ s why it ’ s so important for us to , to put it in a way that ’ s reachable for people because I think there ’ s so many … there is an uncertainty and there ’ s an unease in the society today and you can feel it . But I think in America it ’ s more maybe natural for people to turn to church because it ’ s a natural part of society . Okay . It isn ’ t as much so here . That ’ s why we need it so much … songs that , you know , can reach out to people .
[ WM ] Okay . That ’ s excellent . I really appreciate your answers on that . The songs that I ’ ve heard are all recorded with vocals in English . Do you conduct your services in Swedish , English or bilingually ?
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