Worship Musician Magazine March 2022 | Page 67

Sadly , A . R . ( André ) Duchossoir passed in 2021 . As a testimony of the fastidiousness of his work , this article in Vintage Guitar magazine features a virtual who ’ s who from the vintage world who sing their praises for his highly influential books . Given the number of heavyweights paying homage to his meticulous research , I ’ m inclined to believe that it is more probable than not that Lloyd Loar was the founding father of the electric guitar during his tenure at Gibson .
1923 Lloyd Loar Gibson F-5 mandolin . The second video features George Gruhn and his 75 th birthday present to himself – a 1924 Lloyd Loar signed L-5 guitar , which he describes as the best guitar he ’ s ever played !
Noting that they were among the crew singing Andres praises , it seems appropriate to close the first installment of The Rebirth of Maestro with the two following videos . In the first video Walter Carter enlists Marc MacGlashan to demonstrate the sonic splendor of a July 9 ,
Lloyd Loar Gibson F-5 Mandolin
Lloyd Loar Gibson L-5 Guitar
March 2022 Subscribe for Free ... 67