Worship Musician Magazine March 2022 | Page 36

reality . To ignore the shared human experience we ’ re all having would be to deny the efficacy of how the gospel truly interacts with our lives . If anything , these hard times give us a chance for greater hope and celebration in Jesus ! I love the way this sentiment is shared when Jesus forgives a woman in Luke 7 , “ Impressive , isn ’ t it ? She was forgiven many , many sins , and so she is very , very grateful . If the forgiveness is minimal , the gratitude is minimal .” The obvious inverse of that statement is that if the forgiveness , the solution , the good news , is massive , so will the gratitude be !
This Easter is a chance to really emphasize width and depth of God ’ s love and how it can change lives . As worship leaders , this is the time to carry the mantle of our calling and carry it well . We are in this time and place , right now , with the opportunity ready to be seized right in front of us .
The fact remains , however , that just because it ’ s exciting doesn ’ t mean it ’ ll be a breeze ! It will take concerted effort , support , and energy .
If the forgiveness is minimal , the gratitude is minimal .
The old “ you can ’ t pour from an empty cup ” analogy is true . And just as in Luke 7 , we will be the recipients of the increased gratitude for our calling , our relationships , and the message we get to share ! To paraphrase Theodore Roosevelt , “ Nothing worth doing is ever easy .” You can do it . We can do it .
At MultiTracks . com , many of us are worship leaders . We take the gravity of communicating the gospel very seriously and aim to facilitate that in not only the resources we create , but in our local churches as well . As stated earlier , these days present a whole new set of challenges and considerations that take extra time and effort to get our hearts in the right place and be able to lead worship well . That ’ s why our mission is to create resources that save you time to focus on what matters . It ’ s almost impossible to focus on what you need to focus on when you ’ re spending much of your time building tracks , setting up production elements , manually building lyric slides , and creating setlists in multiple places . All of our tools and resources for tracks , charts , rehearsal , and production connect to work in perfect sync with each other .
It ’ s our prayer this Easter that we all can lead worship well , connect with God , and be refreshed and encouraged by the good news of the gospel .
To explore how our tracks app Playback can drive chord charts , lyric slides , lights , and more , visit MultiTracks . com .
Jesse Schaefer Product Marketing Manager at MultiTracks . com , where he is passionate about connecting worship leaders with recourses that improve their services and give them time back to focus on what matters .
36 March 2022 Subscribe for Free ...