Worship Musician Magazine March 2022 | Page 33

What you do matters . How you take time each week to make space for kids to encounter God ’ s presence through worship is a holy thing . You are not a space filler . You are not just doing another thing . You are taking boys and girls by the shoulder and saying , “ let me show you the way .” Thank you for how you are intentionally leading them week by week , service by service , song by song to give their worship to the King of kings .
As we near the Easter holiday and make plans for Resurrection Sunday , Easter egg hunt or other spring event , here ’ s a few reminders to make the most of this special time .
ALLOW ROOM FOR THE FAMILIAR . Easter Sunday is one of those days that often gets some special music and special songs . I get it and I understand why but I encourage you don ’ t skip the familiar . Too often I ’ ve experienced an Easter service where I realize it was a missed opportunity to make them feel a part of it . You have many non-regular attendees coming through your doors . These visitors need to encounter something they ’ ve heard before . If every song they experience is unique to your congregation or is a special , because it ’ s Easter , that will likely make them very disengaged with what you ’ re doing . Make sure your set has a couple familiar , tried and true popular songs that they ’ ve experienced before at either another church in the past or even on Christian radio / playlists . Throw out the welcome mat and be hospitable by placing something very familiar in your set so they can participate . You don ’ t want them leaving feeling like a bystander . Plan your songs and your set to include them , not leave them on the sidelines .
RESOURCE FAMILIES WITH A PLAYLIST . Maybe you include a QR code on the take home paper for easy access . You could make a special print piece . You could send it in an email or follow-up text . “( Your ministry name ) made a playlist of our favorite songs for your family . Push play on these as you drive to school , sports or to pick up groceries . Pick a night this week to sing and dance with your kids to celebrate that Jesus is risen .” You could even provide a specific activity or devotion that goes with a song or two . You could make this be something that continues in the month ahead . This an easy , free resource you can create to help parents choose well when they push play and turn the volume up on songs that will encourage growth in the spiritual development of all who listen . What a win ! Include songs that you sing in your ministry regularly . Include songs that you plan to introduce in coming months . Include a song or two that will be part of your VBS . Build the playlist in Spotify and / or Apple Music . Then get the shareable link and post in emails or social media . Make a QR code to go on a print piece . You can periodically update it , add songs , remove them and make this not just a one-time resource but an on-going way you partner with parents to help them develop their children in the things of God .
USE EASTER TO INVITE FAMILIES TO ANOTHER EVENT AT YOUR CHURCH . Get them back in your doors ! I once worked with a church that had me lead the Sunday after Easter . They used Easter and all the extra attendees to invite families to come back to a special family worship service the next week . They had been wanting to grow their family experience that happened once a month and they used Easter to grow it .
Everyone received a “ ticket ” to come the next week . They exchanged their ticket for an entry to a prize pack for a family fun night at a local entertainment place . The best news is it worked . They exceeded their attendance goal . So , what could you do the week after or even a few weeks after Easter ? Invite everyone on Easter to come back on that specific day . It ’ s a great way to get them to come back through your doors quickly instead of waiting till next year .
We really have so much to celebrate ! What a gift to use worship as a way to sing and show honor to Jesus who is alive ! It ’ s really true , death was defeated . Salvation is here . Let ’ s make this season special helping people come alive in Christ . Just as the grass starts to grow and the flowers bloom , may nature mirror what is happening in the lives of children and families as they grow in the Lord ! Keep leading them well .
© 2022 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music is all the things kids love and everything adults value . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . She recently authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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