Worship Musician Magazine March 2021 | Page 54

Last week I led worship for a Christian school in my town . Before the chapel service got started the principle was talking to me about how they ’ ve seen a decline in participation over these months , while the children are wearing masks . She was planning to do a Q & A segment with me between songs and wanted me to share some thoughts with the kids about their worship .
When the time came I reminded the kids how much their praise matters to God . Their worship is a gift that they can give Him in response to what He ’ s done and doing in their life . Even though we can ’ t see them singing along and moving their mouth God can . He delights in their worship . The mask isn ’ t a free pass . It ’ s not an excuse . I shared about a time about fourteen years ago when I had voice issues . I spent a month with absolutely no singing and about 40 hours a week without speaking on voice rest . That month I would go to church and lip synch along during worship time . I wasn ’ t allowed to make sound but I wasn ’ t going to let that keep me from participating in worship .
I went on to remind the kids that I understand that singing with a mask on can be tricky . Their mask may even be getting sucked into their mouth as they take big breaths to sing along . I get that it ’ s not always easy or convenient .
They may get a little choked up just trying . Their worship may be a little uncomfortable right now and it may seem like a sacrifice to try to participate and sing along in worship . In scripture we hear about a “ sacrifice of praise ”. Hebrews 13:15 says : “ Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God , that is , the fruit of our lips , [ a ] giving thanks to His name .” ( NKJV ) That scripture didn ’ t instruct us to “ conditionally ’ offer the sacrifice of praise . It didn ’ t say up until March of 2020 offer the sacrifice of praise . No , it told us to “ continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God .”
Maybe this scripture was ordained so many years ago for such a time as this ? Is participating in worship while wearing a mask easy or inspiring ? I ’ m going to guess your answer is , “ No !” Maybe this has been a struggle in your classrooms and with your group too ? The mask may feel like a free pass to not engage . Speak to the issue and teach them a better way . Remind them that their worship is for the King and He delights in their praises . They aren ’ t doing worship for you as a worship leader . They are doing it for Jesus their Savior .
I certainly have noticed in the times I have been on stage leading worship to a congregation of mask wearers that it ’ s definitely a different dynamic to lead . Are they singing along ? I have no idea . I can ’ t really tell . It ’ s impossible to see their covered mouths moving along in participation . So , you then resort to listening for the sound of their participation . Which can still be tricky to make out . Especially if you ’ re wearing in ear monitors like myself . The senses I previously relied on to lead don ’ t help me in this current season . I am finding that we must be confident in what the Holy Spirit is prompting us to lead . As you plan and prepare your set diligently seek the Lord for what the invitation needs to be that you present . Your example of worship matters . Think about how David ’ s example of worship has impacted all of us .
Leading worship in 2021 looks different than it did just over a year ago . The conditions we were used to leading with are not always an option in the world ’ s current state so how do we shift as leaders ? We need to rely not just on our physical senses but on our spiritual senses to be effective worship leaders .
© 2021 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a five lesson curriculum series to teach kids the heart of worship . Her beloved “ Little Praise Party ” series for young kids newest song is “ The Opposite Song ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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