Every so often I hear a song that gets me fired up , a song that I end up hitting repeat over and over and over . After that , it usually ends up in this article and here we are again . A few weeks ago , my sonin-law was telling me of his favorite new Charity Gayle song and so I called the album up on Spotify while I was mowing and began to listen .
I just could not get past the first song , Rejoice . I kept hitting repeat over and over . I often will say that my favorite words to sing are , “ Holy ,” “ Jesus ,” or “ Hallelujah .” Now , I would say , “ Rejoice .”
I could hear right away that this chord progression was perfect for the Short-Cut Capo . I heard the bridge going from the 1 to the b7 to the 4-chord . To me , that progression sounds best playing “ D-shapes ,” which are the basis for the Short- Cut Capo fingerings . What are some popular songs you know that follow the “ D ,” “ C ,” “ G ” progression ? Maybe a song about Alabama ? Playing with the Short-Cut , those chords are “ E ,” “ D ,” and “ A .”
“ Rejoice ” was recorded in the key of “ F ,” so to play along with the recording , you ’ ll need a full capo on fret 1 and the Short-Cut on fret 3 . If you watch the live recording video , you ’ ll see Charity Gayle ’ s husband , Ryan Kennedy , playing with a capo on fret 5 . He ’ s playing fingerings out of the key of “ C .”
The song is in 4 / 4 time at a moderate tempo ( 113 bpm ), but has a driving feel . To create that feel whether playing alone or with a band , you could play straight-eighths … all down-strums , or you could play a syncopated rhythm and strum on the 1 , 4 , and 7 counts ( out of 8 ).
Normally , when I ’ m playing a song that is female led , I ’ ll transpose down a step or so . However , I found it more comfortable to move up a step to the key of “ G ” for me . That ’ s the beauty of capos … you can move the song to whatever key you ’ d like it to be in . You can tell in my video that I
Rejoice Charity Gayle | Crystal Yates | Emilee Hudspeth | Steven Musso Key E | Tempo 113
INTRO : | E | Bm7 | D | A | CHORUS :
E Bm7 D A Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath
E Bm7 D A Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath
I was created for a purpose An instrument that magnifies E Bm7 D A E
Out of the shadows out of the darkness I ’ m walking in His marvelous light
Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath
E Bm7 D A Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath E Bm7 D A
And again I say Again I say Rejoice Rejoice E Bm7 D A
And again I say Again I say Rejoice Rejoice
We are a nation , a royal priesthood We glorify and bless Your name E Bm7 D A E
Oh what an honor , oh what a privilege To lift You up and give You praise D A E Bm7 A
To lift You up and give You praise To lift You up and give You praise
E Bm7 D A Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath
E Bm7 D A Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath
C # m
Bm7 Because You are worthy , God You are mighty
Bm7 D Lord You are Awesome and Holy and Great
E Bm7 D A Rejoice Rejoice Let everything that has breath E Bm7 D A
And again I say Again I say Rejoice Rejoice E Bm7 D A
And again I say Again I say Rejoice Rejoice
D I ’ m never gonna stop , never gonna stop
E Never stop ( giving You praise ) ( blessing Your Name )
© 2024 Charity Gayle Music Publishing | Awaken Love Music | Steven Musso Music
began to pick up the tempo mid-way through the song . This is so easy to do on an exciting song like this one . It is so helpful to use a click track if you ’ re able to . It ’ s now , easy and affordable , to be able to implement if you ’ re not using one yet .
So , grab your guitar and a Short-Cut Capo and give this song a try . I ’ d love to hear churches all over the USA Rejoice-ing with this song !
E Bm7 D A C # m
Mitch Bohannon Mitch developed the Short-Cut Capo for Kyser and is the Director of Live Production at Trinity Baptist Church in Lake Charles , Louisiana .
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