We ’ ve all been there . You finish your final service on Sunday and you return home drained of energy and frustrated . Maybe your team wasn ’ t as prepared as usual , so you spent more time fixing problems in rehearsal than preparing to lead worship . Maybe the slides were all wrong , so you had to pivot and fix a bunch of words on a screen rather than spend time in the word with your team . It could be that it was so stressful to get resources to your entire team , so they showed up confused and you feel guilty because you know it was a fault in your leadership . Whatever it is you ’ ve experienced , I want you to know that we have all been there .
So how do we have a great Sunday experience ? How do we plan and lead a worship service that leaves us feeling rejuvenated and ready for more ? I believe it all starts with how you plan your week . Let ’ s take some time to talk through how you can make a great worship service happen and feel confident that your week is going to be stress-free and enjoyable .
A great worship experience starts with a thoughtful set list , but there are also many questions and factors to consider when crafting your perfect setlist . Things like the culture of the church , the people you ’ re leading , maybe the theme of the message or the series you ’ re in , and even the team members you have available to you . All of these things combined with the season that your church is in can change your approach to crafting your setlist . Here are some of my top tips when crafting a worship service and planning your week .
NUMBER ONE : PLAN AHEAD . I found it ’ s useful to plan more than just one week . Sometimes if I ’ m just looking at the weekend ahead of me , I don ’ t choose my songs in context very well . There could be a theme that ’ s unfolding in the life of the church , and you may want to reinforce a new song by repeating it a few times , or lastly , maybe your church is leading up to a special event . So , when you plan your setlist , maybe look at more than just one week in isolation . Be conscious to repeat new songs and give them time to feel familiar and stick with your congregation .
Lastly , remember that the worship meeting is taking your private cry and making it public . So , use those songs in your own private worship time so that you can not only get familiar with them , but you can connect with God through the songs in your preparation . With this approach , you will be able to find the balance between songs of simplicity and songs of substance . Your entire team will benefit because you ’ re living the life of a worshipper , not just performing on Sundays .
An easy-to-use resource when planning a setlist or looking for songs to sing is ChartBuilder . Created to answer the problems we face in preparation for Sundays , ChartBuilder is a unique chart app that fits seamlessly in the ecosystem of running tracks . Within the app , you can not only plan out setlists and communicate with your team but also browse over 22,000 charts and songs . The best way to experience ChartBuilder is with Chart Pro : a simple subscription that gives you unlimited access to accurate charts , custom PDF downloads , automation-ready lyrics &
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