mean he was my guitar teacher for a long time , and I would always see this on his wall , and I ’ d go pick it up and mess around with it . And I just loved it . I loved the color . It used to be more of a sonic blue and I ’ ve played so many hot , sweaty festivals that it ’ s honestly faded down into this surf green teal almost . But great guitar obviously for country music . It was my workhorse .
[ WM ] Yes . You got to have a Tele for country music .
[ Cory ] And I really learned just how versatile these guitars can be because it was my only guitar for so long . So out of necessity , I just made this thing do whatever I needed it to . I found different tricks and ways to beef up the bridge and EQ for more of the worship sound .
I found a way to get the neck pickup to get that squishy woody-poppy thing that a Strat can pull off . So , I still love this guitar . It doesn ’ t get played as much as it used to , but I ’ ll never sell it .
And then the next guitar is a Revelator Strat . Revelator Guitars is a small boutique company ( I think out of Jersey ). A couple guys that make these , and this is their Super King , which is essentially a late 50 ’ s to early 60 ’ s era build . So this guitar , a buddy of mine that lives here called me up one day to go get lunch and just gave it to me . He popped his trunk and had this guitar in there and he just felt like he was supposed to give it to me . And I was speechless , you know , never been given a guitar like that in my life . So I ’ ve taken it very seriously and I ’ ve done a lot of things with his guitar . The pickups in it sound insane . They sound so cool , they ’ re Budz . The pickups are so resonant compared to other Strats I ’ ve played , especially the two and four position . So really love this guitar . Still use it a lot . It has a lot of articulation . It cuts in the mix in a really nice , crystal clear kind of way so I ’ ve used this on a lot of records for different folks .
[ WM ] You have Duesenberg too ?
[ Cory ] I do . I ’ ll say that ’ s probably as of late , the guitar I play the most . This is the , the Fullerton TV model . A buddy that lives here in town sold it to me probably three years ago . I ’ ve played Duesenbergs before and I ’ ve just been astonished at how reliable they are and how well they stay in tune . The older I get the only thing I care about anymore is a guitar that just stays in tune . ( laughs ) Because these
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