Worship Musician Magazine June 2023 | Page 34

Every singer has heard at least one of these tips :
“ Ice water will freeze your vocal cords .” “ Coffee will dry out your voice .” “ You shouldn ’ t drink milk before you sing .”
All these singing “ tips ” have one thing in common : they ’ re all myths . Let ’ s talk about what gives these myths traction versus what the evidence says is fact .
SPOILER ALERT : ICE WILL NOT FREEZE YOUR VOCAL FOLDS When we drink , the fluid passes through the pharynx , into the esophagus , and into the digestive system . Meanwhile , the epiglottis and vocal folds both close to keep the substance out of the trachea and the lungs . This means that nothing we eat or drink physically passes through the vocal folds . When the swallow function works as it should , it is physically impossible for ice water to touch the vocal folds , let alone freeze them . If water touches the vocal folds , that means that water is on its way down the trachea into your lungs … which means you have bigger problems than your vocal folds freezing !
That being said , some individuals do have a greater sensitivity to extreme temperatures in the beverages they drink . For some , ice water can be very soothing and refreshing , especially when they ’ re experiencing irritation due to allergies or environmental pollutants . For others , it can cause a feeling of stiffness or general discomfort . The important thing is to be aware of your body ’ s own response to cold water and adjust accordingly . At the end of the day , the temperature that encourages you to stay hydrated is the best water temperature for you .
COFFEE – IS IT ACTUALLY DEHYDRATING ? There ’ s a long-standing belief that coffee causes dehydration , which in turn will dry out your voice . Caffeine does increase urine production , but studies have shown that moderate levels of caffeine intake don ’ t trigger enough urination to cause dehydration . On the contrary , studies have shown that moderate amounts of coffee consumption actually contribute to a person ’ s daily fluid intake .
Of course , there are some things to consider when it comes to coffee and the voice . Not every person responds to caffeine the same way : some individuals are more sensitive to the diuretic effects of caffeine , and some also experience other symptoms such as elevated heart rate and hyperacidity . So , while coffee might not necessarily affect the voice directly by causing dehydration , it might have an impact on a singer ’ s performance through these other symptoms .
The take-away : you don ’ t need to give up on coffee just because you ’ re a singer . Be mindful of how it impacts your body and make adjustments to your intake amount and timing so that it does not interfere with your singing . These considerations make it easier to take a balanced approach to coffee consumption that does not have to negatively affect your vocal performance .
MILK – DO I REALLY NEED TO GIVE UP MY LATTES ? There ’ s been a long-held belief that milk should not be consumed before singing because it increases phlegm . But that increased stickiness that many of us feel in our mouths after consuming milk products is more likely to be the sensation of the fats in milk interacting with the digestive enzymes in our mouth . Indeed , research shows that milk products have no direct relationship with increased mucus production in adults .
Does this mean that all singers are free to drink milkshakes right before they have to go onstage ? Not necessarily . Some individuals are more sensitive to dairy products , and consuming milk might actually cause reactions that range from stomach aches to inflammation . It ’ s important to be aware of how milk products impact your overall health and make adjustments as needed .
So what do we do about that sticky feeling in the mouth after consuming milk products ? Wash it down with water ! You may even try gargling with lukewarm salt water if you ’ re in a real sticky situation ( pun intended ).
THE TAKE-AWAY : BALANCE AND AWARENESS ARE KEY An important part of caring for one ’ s voice is the commitment to listening to the cues that our own bodies and voices give us . Mindless consumption of food and drink , without attention to the way they make us feel , might lead us to experience symptoms while we remain unaware of the cause . On the other hand , eliminating entire food groups as a rule , without considering the evidence from research or from our own bodies and voices , can lead to a lot of unnecessary restrictions that can make voice care feel more stressful than it has to be . If something makes your voice feel or sound limited in any way , practice curiosity and reflect on what it might be teaching you about your vocal needs . And if in doubt , have a conversation with your healthcare provider to get more answers !
Renee Maranan Vocal Instructor | Life Coach Ambassador for the Institute for Vocal Advancement www . ReneeMaranan . com Instagram @ reneemaranan
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