Worship Musician Magazine June 2023 | Page 28

[ Josh ] RHYTHM is more than just a traditional worship group . We are a movement for the next and the NOW generation .
We have core people who take on leadership responsibilities within our team but , RHYTHM is bigger than any of us . We never want to limit what RHYTHM can be by making one person or a few people the “ face .”
A few years from now someone who was in high school when TITG came out could be coming here to MultiTracks singing songs for their next generation .
Though our foundation will remain , RHYTHM will continue to evolve and develop because we live in an ever-evolving world . we knew how we wanted it to sound live from day one .
Once we got that band around it and connected with a local college gospel choir the song came to life even more . Every time we do that song there is an instant feeling of joy that catches the room .
You can ’ t help but to move and yell out “ I was lost but now I ’ m found !”
[ WM ] This Is The Gospel is relatively short - not only with how many tracks are on it ( seven ) but the lengths of those tracks . Tell us about the decision behind creating more short form content when the trend in worship has leaned more long form lately ? with what we were releasing rather than just releasing a bunch of songs that didn ’ t fully express the narrative we were writing .
For us it ’ s about making sure every song feels right to us and works in our context rather than trying to fit a specific standard of what an album should look like .
When it comes to the length of our songs , I don ’ t think it was on purpose that they were pretty short . We love long worship songs , and we are not opposed to them at all . Though we do lean towards pop , it ’ s not to say every song we will release will be short . When in the writing process we like to ask ourselves , “ Do we need a bridge ?” instead of , “ How many bridges can we fit in this song ?”
[ WM ] I ’ d love to close with talking about the title track . There is so much joy in this song and the arrangement feels like it ’ s simultaneously from the past and the future .
[ Josh ] “ This Is The Gospel ” was a song we wrote at our first writing camp for this album . We had the drums , choir and lyrics all done in that session . It was one of those songs that
[ Josh ] When we were in the process of creating the album we actually recorded 10- 11 songs . As we continued in the process , we narrowed down our tracklist because we wanted to make sure each song supported what we wanted to communicate .
Ultimately that is why we ended up with seven songs . We wanted to be really intentional
At the end of the day , we just try to make sure we communicate the message we are trying to get across in each song .
Lead songs from This Is The Gospel with your congregation . Resources available at MultiTracks . com .
Monica Moser Monica Moser is an Austin-based singer / songwriter , podcaster , & freelance writer working in Partner Relations & Marketing .
MultiTracks . com .
28 June 2023 Subscribe for Free ...