Worship Musician Magazine June 2021 | Página 82

thousands of years . The Uvas River and the Gavilan Mountain Range was a land of plenty where humans developed 17 separate languages within 50 miles of one another , peace through plenty . They were grateful , not backward , when they revered the nature around them as manifestations of a Loving Creator . Sustainability invents itself when we keep in conscious contact with the source of life .
Life in harmony with nature was certainly more manageable with a pre-Columbian California population which could be counted in the tens of thousands . By the time I was in fourth grade California ’ s population had grown to 8 million . When Santa Cruz Guitar Co . was founded in 1976 it had risen to 20 million . Today California has over 32 million and the number of people in the whole world has doubled during our company ' s 45-year lifespan . There are a lot more of us using an alarmingly increasing number of resources each day . If you have heard the Good News , you know that you are called to show by example how to live by protecting , rather than consuming , other people ’ s fair shares .
In my early days I kept quiet about the use of reclaimed woods for fear it would be mistaken for marketing , by greening up our image . That was turned around by discussions with Rain Forest Alliance , who convinced me that my pride was obscuring an important lesson from my mentors , Arthur E , Overholtzer , B . R . MacGuire and Jas . E . Patterson .
The best stuff in the world can be made from responsibly harvested materials . There is never a need to compromise one ’ s values , or beliefs , or the quality of your product when doing the right thing .
[ WM ] Well said Richard , thank you for your time !
[ Richard ] Thank you , Bruce .
www . SantaCruzGuitar . com
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