presence was there already .
And then I remember at the end of that moment when we all sang “ let it be a sweet sound in your ear ”, that the power came back on and everybody cheered and we went to full on acoustic worship and I couldn ’ t keep from crying the whole time . And I felt like I was in this ‘ wrestling moment ’ asking God , “ Where do you want me to go ? And how do you want me to use my music ?” And in that moment as I was just meeting people in worship , God was just saying Phil , “ You ' ve been struggling and looking for the last year ”. I just felt with all my heart the sense of God saying , “ Become aware of where your heart ' s at right now ”. And as I was leading people in worship and that beautiful moment , my heart was just completely full and satisfied . And I felt like it wasn ' t a moment where God was like , “ You are to be a worship leader ”. It was more like , “ I ' ve already put this on you . Stop trying to push against what ' s already in you ”. That ' s when I dove full in .
[ WM ] You know , it sounds like that particular night in the U . K . that you ' re talking about might ' ve been a precursor to the ‘ sing along ’ nights that you do .
[ Phil ] A hundred percent ! Yeah . I think whether I ' m conscious of it or not , it ' s that night . But also , when I think about all the moments that I had growing up . Just flashback stuff of all the moments , you know , like being around the bonfire with the youth group in San Diego . Friday night , worship nights , summer camp worship night , all these moments where I spent so fulfilled . And so thrilled to be a catalyst for the presence of God to move in a place through worship . That ' s just like , “ Oh yes , I really felt like , sorry for being so dumb . God , I see your blessing in this . And I see that , you know , I see my satisfaction in this ”.
[ WM ] Oh , that ' s a great answer . I could talk to you a long time about this subject because I have those moments too . And Delirious ? is definitely in there as well .
Let ’ s talk about your new project , Hymn of Heaven . In perspective , a significant hymn has historically had impact upon the church , but at the same time does not have to be over a hundred years old either . I asked a well-known producer of hymn recordings how he would define the term ‘ hymn ’. His answer was , “ I don ’ t know , but I know it when I hear it .” Your new project , Hymn of Heaven , is a full 13- song offering releasing this month . It ’ s been interesting for me to hear music composed and recorded during the pandemic . You must have had many obstacles in your path . What can you tell us about Hymn of Heaven overall ? We ’ ll look at some of the individual songs next .
[ Phil ] That ’ s a broad question . I ' m trying to think where to start . Well , the title track of Hymn