Worship Musician Magazine June 2021 | Page 135

DETAILS ! DETAILS ! | Mark Shelton
The difference between good and excellent often resides in the details . Playing the correct notes and rhythms is important , but those are the bare essentials of music- making . To truly produce music at a high level of quality requires attention beyond the basics . Seemingly small details in combination create the tight and expressive sounds that bring excellence to a song or symphony . Are you remaining vigilant of details as you pursue excellence ? Below are several areas of detail that contribute to creating a polished performance .
DYNAMICS AND BALANCE The ability to play a broad range of dynamics coupled with the skill to shift rapidly between different volumes allow you to control the subtle volume shadings that bring interest to your playing . Beyond having that dynamic control is the proper use of dynamics within musical context . Just because a passage of music is marked at a certain dynamic level , it does not mean that every note should be played at the same volume .
Finding the appropriate volume level so that your part fits into the overall balance of the ensemble requires a critical ear along with dynamic control of your instrument . Listen to the overall texture of the piece of music and imagine the ideal volume for your part BEFORE you begin playing . Make your entrance at that level and continue to evaluate if your dynamic level is blending correctly into the overall mix .
ACCENTS The application of accents is among the chief means of expression on percussion instruments . Just as a tiny bit of emphasis on a word will change the entire meaning of a sentence , a slight volume increase on a single musical note has great expressive power . The placement of accents in a rhythm pattern can transform a back-beat groove into a half-time feel or shift the pattern into double-time . A skilled musician will bring extra meaning to a melody by merely adding subtle accents to selected notes .
RHYTHMIC SUBDIVISION Lining up your downbeats with the basic tempo is not always enough . If your part contains smaller divisions of the beat , it is important that the spacing between those notes is correct . Compressing the spacing leads to rushing while dragging can occur if the gap between attacks widens . Some fluctuation in rhythmic subdivision is acceptable and provides a human element to our playing , but too much creates a ragged and unsettled feeling . Recording your playing with digital software that produces a visual display of waveforms on a grid will reveal subtle discrepancies in rhythmic subdivision .
PHRASING The aforementioned areas of musical detail are included in the broad category of phrasing along with other elements such as :
• Attacks and releases of notes Do they fit the character of the musical passage ?
• Note lengths Should you stop the sound at a precise spot , let it ring , or extend it with a roll ?
• Rhythmic Alignment Are your rhythms in sync with the ensemble ?
TONE COLOR Should you use a tambourine with German silver or beryllium copper jingles ? Wooden drum shell or metal ? Wire brushes or nylon ? In many cases , percussionists can change tone colors to better fit our sound into a musical passage . It can be as easy as striking a snare drum in a different area of the head or using a harder timpani mallet to produce the appropriate timbre . Allow your ear and musical instincts to guide you as you search for the proper tone color . I will often ' audition ' different timbres during a rehearsal to determine which one works best for a particular musical moment .
Attention to detail is a hallmark of musical maturity . As you reach beyond simply playing the correct notes and rhythms , the process of detailed listening and improvement will become more ingrained and instinctive . Vigilance in monitoring and addressing the various details of music-making will bring your musicianship to higher levels of excellence .
© 2021 Mark Shelton Productions / Percussion For Worship
Mark Shelton Mark Shelton is a freelance musician and educational consultant based in Dallas / Fort Worth . Performance credits include North Carolina Symphony , Tin Roof Tango , Daystar Singers & Band , Gateway Worship , Wichita Falls Orchestra , Strata Big Band , TALEA , and Dallas Wind Symphony . www . marksheltonmusic . com percussionforworship . blogspot . com
June 2021 Subscribe for Free ... 135