Worship Musician Magazine July 2022 | Page 29

NEW MUSIC is the thematic nature of the songs contained here . While there is the obvious pattern of hope in the midst of strife that runs throughout , DiMarco takes a bold risk by writing songs that convict the worshipper by forcing them to think deeply about their relationship with God and how they treat others who are different than they are . It is a message that comes through loud and clear on the opening track “ What If Jesus ”. Here DiMarco asks a number of poignant questions that make the listener take stock in how they represent Christ to those who differ from them in political thought , scriptural interpretation or lifestyle . What I adore about this song and a few others that are similar in scope , is that DiMarco doesn ’ t try to pretend that she is ‘ holier than thou ’, but rather lumps herself in with those of us who preach Christ but more often than not deny Him by the way we treat others .
While keeping each other accountable is a major theme here , we are also reminded to keep Jesus as our center and focus in all things . Songs like the title track ( which features a guest appearance by Jason Upton ) pull our focus back to the simplicity of the treasures we have in Jesus , and this is where we should always return to when life distracts and disappoints us .
“ That ’ s Why Jesus Came ” is an interesting blend of upbeat almost happy arrangement and a sobering lyrical idea that when we think that being righteous rather than love our neighbor is more important , we often blind ourselves to what God ’ s call and true intention is for us on earth .
The Field is a wisely thought out and cleverly written collection of songs that call for the church on earth to keep Jesus as its focus when so many would love to see us be divided and ultimately crushed . Some may see this album as “ woke ” or soft on the law of Christ but if you sit with it and you know the Gospel , there are lots of treasures to be found that will strengthen your faith while reminding you who you are in Jesus .
AUSTIN AND LINDSEY ADAMEC Song Spotlight : “ As For Me & My House ”
This past July , our church did a multi-week sermon series on the importance of family and how God models what families should look like in scripture . As a worship leader , I often try to find a sort of “ theme song ” that our folks can learn during a series like this that helps bring the main idea home with people in a meaningful way .
As I was scouring the internet for the perfect “ family ” themed worship song , I ran across the husband and wife worship duo , Austin and Lindsey Adamec . The duo are the worship pastors of Christ ’ s Church in Jacksonville , Florida who have joined musical forces after having success as solo artists . Their 2020 album , Sounds of the House was a nice collection of modern worship but the song that stood out and got the most play was “ As For Me and My House ”. The song just happened to also fit my theme perfectly with a powerful call to put Jesus first in our households .
First , the combination of Austin ’ s throaty tenor and Lindsey ’ s rich and shimmering alto is an incredible combination that makes the song stand out . Musically , this reminds me of the southern vibe of current Bethel but with better writing and Austin reminds me of a more mature Josh Baldwin .
their love . The melody is strong and memorable and leads magnificently to the first chorus .
Joshua 24:15 is the foundation of the song and serves as the lyrical center of the hook-laden chorus as Austin now joins the duet . The two voices blend seamlessly as we are reminded that God wants every member of our family to serve Him and that when we do so together , we keep our eyes focused on the Savior as a family .
Verse two gets a little boost in instrumentation as the drums , bass , electric guitar and B3 kick in and the idea shifts to how we notice the goodness of God that surrounds us when we put Him first . The vocal energy rises as we hear of God ’ s faithfulness and how Jesus gives new life daily through us .
Chorus 2 keeps the energy up as we are taken to an even bigger , more rhythmic bridge declaring that this house they sing of is where miracles happen , idols cease to exist and the freedom of Christ reigns in every family member .
“ As For Me and My House ” should serve as a banner song for every family who longs for Jesus to be their focus . The truths of scripture , well written melodies and declarative nature of this song make it one not to be missed . So how did I miss it from two years ago ? Who knows , but we are doing this one as a church for sure . You should too .
Gerod Bass Worship leader in Tacoma , WA . Mentor with Worship Catalyst . Singer , songwriter , guitarist with a passion for impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel . www . oslc . com
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