Worship Musician Magazine July 2021 | Page 42

I remember the first time I was leading worship for a VBS when my oldest son was in the “ big group ” ( elementary ages ) for the first time . It began a shift in me for what I considered to be a great song for kids . Or rather the right size song for the age child . When I considered my completed kindergartner being on the front row I realized that I needed to lead differently than what I had thought pre-having a child in the class . I realized that if we ’ re teaching a bunch of new songs that are unfamiliar it ’ s going to be extra challenging with such limited reading skills . Even if they really wanted to , they aren ’ t going to follow along and read every word that popped up on the screen .
I completely realize there were 5 th graders in the same room . I most certainly needed to make certain song choices to connect with and reach the older kids in the assembly . That ’ s perfectly alright . I do not take that lightly . A five or sixyear-old is in a very different level of ability and even preference from an eleven year old . I ’ m not willing to alienate the 5 th grader in order to reach the first grader and vice versus . I can make intentional choices to engage and reach both .
That summer I realized that action was needed . Songs that were physically engaging because of action specific words within the lyric of the song . These are the best because they don ’ t fall prey to being cheesy as much as when you ’ ve choreographed motions to act out a song . Motions for a song can be a great method and a great way to involve and engage but if you ’ re using them on every single song you do , no doubt , you will have certain kids unwilling to participate in that method . I believe there are many ways you can engage a crowd with participation . Through teaching you can also help them better understand worship . You can give them next steps song by song and day by day of how they can participate in worship in a growing way . Each of us should be growing in our relationship with Jesus . That means my worship today doesn ’ t look the same that it did two years ago . I pray I have a deeper understanding and even greater level of engagement myself . I want the same thing for those I lead .
I also realized that simplicity was gold . Songs that have repetition within them are a huge bonus because every section isn ’ t something new . Have you ever considered what it ’ s like for the kids that are coming in with no prior knowledge of the song ? Of course , there will always be situations where someone has never heard the song but within our churches I think we can set up the majority to win . Include your upcoming new songs on playlists that are used pre / post class or even during games , etc . Allow for them to have “ heard ” the song before you introduce It during a worship set . Put it on playlists that you share with parents before the special summer event so their kids can hear and be familiar with some of the songs they are going to learn at your event .
I recently experienced a worship set where I realized the songs were too big for the bulk of the ages in the class . It ’ s not that they needed to change the song entirely to make it work .
They just needed to chop it up and modify the arrangement to make it a better size for the ages in the room where they lead .
I love doing popular worship songs with kids . I truly believe there are many wins for it . Some of those songs work super great as they are . There are some though that may win bigger as you lead kids if you only choose one of the verses and just repeat it a couple times . Simplify . Repetition . You may skip the bridge completely . It may work better to cut it in half . You may find a way to just repeat the pre-chorus again a couple times . Plan your arrangement not for how the songs plays on the radio but for what might work best for the age kids you ’ re leading . In some cases that may mean you only use the chorus and bridge and skip the verses entirely . So many options and ways to include simplicity and repetition .
Consider the ages and skill and reading level of those you lead . Just like a parent cuts the food into smaller bites for their kids then they probably do for themselves , we as worship leaders can also do the same within our worship sets .
© 2021 Yancy Ministries , Inc . Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a five lesson curriculum series to teach kids the heart of worship . Her beloved “ Little Praise Party ” series for young kids newest project is “ Ready , Set , Go ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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