Worship Musician Magazine July 2021 | Page 10

why anyone would dislike it . It has a passive K & K Pure Mini or whatever it ’ s called . It ’ s perfect .
I also have a wee Lowden and an Avalon Americana acoustic guitar .
[ WM ] Do you have something to record ideas down with quickly for songs or how do you capture what you are going after in a song ?
[ Chris ] Voice memos on my phone ! I make noises with my mouth and my brain somehow figures out the nonsense . ( laughing )
[ WM ] Tell us about the co-writes on this project . Who were they with and how was it done – remotely or actually together ?
[ Chris ] Wowee ! Yes . The other writers . There are some great people on this record . “ Speak to the Mountains ” was with Whitney from
Influence Music , Jane from Elevation , Ben Cantelon from HTB and The Belonging Co , and myself . That was pretty special .
Ben Glover and Jeff Pardo , the guys that wrote “ Hallelujah For The Cross ” with me helped me write a couple tunes on the project . Jesse Early and Mitch Wong wrote a tune or two with me . And we haven ’ t even finished recording tunes so that list is “ way bigger ”.
About writing on Zoom … I hate them ! You can ’ t sing together . The worst ! But yes , we had to do it a bunch .
[ WM ] One of our favorite worship guitar players ( and a columnist for Worship Musician ) is James Duke . How did you meet and what is that relationship like between you two musically and personally ?
[ Chris ] Jamesy is my best bud . But he ’ s so far ahead of me musically our “ musical relationship ” is most akin to something like how Olaf follows Anna around . ( I ’ m definitely Olaf !) Luckily , he keeps stupidly agreeing to play on all my songs ! Ha ! Idiot !
[ WM ] You still actively lead worship at your home church . How does that speak into your worship leading in a broader sense when you are leading worship at conferences and festivals ?
[ Chris ] Local church is my favorite place to lead . You get to actually see people grow and change over time ! People that maybe never worshiped for real before lifting their hands for the first time . So good ! The other stuff is super fun though . So … I guess I like them almost equal but local church wins though !
10 July 2021 Subscribe for Free ...