church and go serve there . And I think those are three key ingredients of staying planted , reading your Bible and staying in community that are just absolute pillars for your faith , which is everything when it comes to the songwriting that we do .
I would say as far as writer ’ s block and filling up , I think that those are the things that do fill you up is being around people where ‘ iron sharpens iron ’ in Christian community . And we love the lost . We want to be interacting with the lost as well , but it really is important who we spend our time with , isn ’ t it ? And so , I think that creativity wise , you just have to keep trying . You must dare to be dumb in your lyrics and in your musical ( expression )… get around people who are better than you at songwriting . That ’ s been a big key of our life … is being drafted by excellent songwriters . And so yeah , those are just some keys .
[ WM ] Those are great keys and critical components to any kind of new expression coming out . And I know that imagination as well , is very important to try to foster . I remember working for a record label once . I was the art director at the time and living in Southern California and the president of the label told me that one day a month he did not want me to come into the office . He wanted me to go to Disneyland and study merchandise graphics and signage . I took him up on his offer and it was just fantastic . I had that freedom just to go as an observer . And so , it ’ s important in creativity to inspire imagination .
[ Jenn ] Yes . Staying inspired . You ’ re right with that . I think staying inspired as a creative , something for Brian and I , is that we really love nature and food . So , we find a lot of inspiration and beauty in places like Napa where there ’ s just excellence in art and that food that is just so intentionally created , and just being in nature .
You cannot ignore God when you ’ re just in His beautiful creation . It ’ s impossible to do . So , we surround ourselves with a lot of nature . Also , where we live is a big forest . We are surrounded by nature , and that just keeps you feeling small and in awe and wonder of God in a big way .
[ WM ] Wow , that ’ s really good . Well , the new project We Must Respond , was recorded live at the Cascade Theater , downtown Redding , California . What an amazing place to document these songs ! And that theater is a beautiful movie Palace built in 1935 . I was thinking about that and how many of the greatest films ever made were premiered there in the late 1930s , 40s and 50s . What were your thoughts about making this place holy ground for the recording ?
[ Jenn ] Yeah , absolutely . It ’ s a special place and a historic one for our hometown . I ’ ve lived there , I think 27 years now in Redding . And so , it will always hold a place of home even though
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