Just happened that every song was a new one and it ’ s going on a record !
[ WM ] For the “ day of show ” did you run through the entire set in a rehearsal after your sound check ? Tell us about that .
[ Jonathan ] So the album was broken up into two capture nights . Again . 18 songs is quite a bit . Because we would be changing in and out artists throughout the night , there ’ s quite a bit of logistics that go into it . We would basically do a long sound check with each artist in the order of when they would go in the night . That was their chance to get their monitors dialed , get a small run through of the song with the artist , and give video / audio a chance to make any notes or snapshots .
After a sound check including each artist , we would move into a “ dress rehearsal ”. These dress rehearsals are captured and used in case we need to comp anything audio wise and gives video a chance to get any close detail shots on the stage that wouldn ’ t be able to capture during the night . Then we would do our actual live set . They were long days , but incredible . If I had to give any kind of advice to someone wanting to do long day captures like this , it is to wear comfortable shoes . ( laughing )
[ WM ] Recording this as a “ Live ” album also has its challenges . What did you use for your recording console and did capture it all in ProTools ?
[ Jonathan ] There were three points of multitrack audio capture for redundancy . Multitrack from the Digico at monitors , multitrack from the Digico at front of house , and multitrack from MADI with Luke , our capturing engineer . Everything was in ProTools !
Something important to note is we are capturing EVERYTHING . Pre-production , rehearsals in our studio , band soundcheck , artist soundcheck , dress rehearsals , and the live night . You never know when something will go wrong so redundancy in multiple ways is your best friend . Hire someone who is really good at file organization .
[ WM ] You also had several “ guests ’ artists those nights . As MD you also are a bit of a host for those folks . Tell us what it was like working with Brooke Ligertwood , Abbie Gamboa and others ?
[ Jonathan ] It ’ s the absolute best . Thankfully I have known all those guest artists for a while or have worked with each one of them before . So , it felt more like a reunion than anything . I play with Brooke really often , so I feel like I know her really well and it is so special to see those worlds collide . The most practical thing that is a bit of a funny aspect , is every artist has a unique twist to them . Each one has different body language or hand signals to communicate . And so practically as MD , my job is to make
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