favorite on the album is “ Holy Song ”. The guests on this album are really special . They ’ re dear friends , trusted friends , Brooke Ligertwood , Abbie Gamboa and Aodhán King . To have them join our group was really special . We ’ re all very close friends . And so , this song , “ Holy Song ”, is a song that Brian and Brooke were a part of . And I love it because it so represents Brian and Brooke in their pursuit of holiness before the Lord and just how they ’ ve given their life to declare the holiness of God . I love it because my little 4-year-old boy sings , he sings “ Holy , holy , holy ”. And I love it because it ’ s childlike just to hear this little melody . It feels almost like it ’ s a hymn , and when you hear it for the first time , you kind of feel like you ’ ve always known it . Those kinds of songs are my favorite . Ones that are simple . Holy . Holy . Holy . We literally can ’ t sing that or say that enough . It ’ s a marking song on this project for me .
[ WM ] I love it . I remember when my kids were little , they would pronounce the word praise , pwaise .
[ Jenn ] Yep , absolutely .
[ WM ] And so when I was doing children ’ s products for Maranatha Music many years ago , I did a series for toddlers called Tiny Tot Pwaise .
[ Jenn ] Adorable .
[ WM ] Well , so let ’ s finish up here . What truth or encouragement would you like to leave with worship leaders today ?
[ Jenn ] I want to thank worship leaders , and especially the people who are using their gifts to serve the local church … on top of the writing and the travel or anything else . But just the simplicity of the musicians , the Levites , if you will that are building and serving the house of God . I think that it ’ s commendable . I think that being a home church worship leader that ’ s planted and plugged in is not glamorous oftentimes .
Usually it comes with early mornings , it comes
“ When Brian brought this ancient chorus with a new melody to Jason Ingram and me , the rest of the song flowed forth , with verses that gratefully reflect on ‘ what joy ,’ ‘ what mercy ,’ and ‘ what beauty ’ it is to walk with Christ the Holy One until and after all the earth is filled with His glory . As for the church , I personally love it when modern worship leans liturgically – praying the same prayers as those who have gone before us in the Lord , singing a chorus already sung for thousands of years and being sung unto and in eternity . For me personally , this joining together musically in worship is simply one moment in a context of being joined together by many years of worship together off the stage , in actual friendship and relationship .”
~ Brooke Ligertwood regarding the song “ Holy Song ”
with singing at an ungodly hour where no one your family and the impact that these songs sounds good . And it comes with , if you do it have upon the church , and so I really appreciate right , loving people and pastoring . getting to meet you and visit with you today .
And I just want to thank worship leaders [ Jenn ] Yes , thank you so much . Thanks for worldwide for serving God and serving the having me , and very nice to meet you . church , especially in those moments and times where it really is sacrificial . I just think there ’ s no better job and that there ’ s nothing better in your Visit Jenn and Bethel today @ life you could do than be planted and serve a local church . So that ’ s it . That ’ s the biggest one .
[ WM ] That ’ s good . Well , listen , I really want to thank you for this time . God be with you and January 2025 Subscribe for Free ... 15