Shane Barnard and Shane Everett have been contributing to the worship community for over 20 years now . I have respected their humble nature and hunger for God ’ s truth in both doctrine and authentic worship . It had been a while since we caught up . We connected over a Zoom call with the ‘ Shanes ’ in their studio in Dallas , Texas .
[ WM ] You two guys go way back with me , as you were at our first Christian Musician Summit conference at the same time that we launched Worship Musician magazine . I remember how vibrant your worship music was with the soaring harmonies . It was powerful . For our readers , let ’ s go way back in time , even before that . How did Shane B meet Shane E , and when did you know that this combination was a ministry in the making ?
[ Shane E ] I don ’ t think we knew . Uh , the funny thing about our story is when you hear people say , you know , humble beginnings ... We didn ’ t even have a desire or think that playing music was an option . ( laughing ) Doing worship music as a career choice or path was something that you might as well have said , “ Man , you guys are gonna go try to be astronauts !” You know , Shane B grew up doing road construction . My dad owned a paint manufacturing company . We were as blue-collar as blue-collar gets . You know . ( laughs ). So there was no category for artistic creativity in our family . And so , that ’ s funny .
So I ended up coming to the Lord my senior year , and we were both going to Texas A & M University , so we didn ’ t have to do road construction or paint manufacturing . ( laughing ) We were at business school there , and I ended up coming to Christ in my senior year . Shane and his group of buddies took me in . And , you know , the funny thing is , Shane borrowed a guitar from me two weeks before I became a believer .
And for his first show that his college roommates were putting on , they needed to fill a 30-minute slot in the afternoon . And they basically made him do it . He had never really sung and didn ’ t even have a guitar that plugged in . He just led worship with them on Saturday nights , and he lived in their apartment for years . Shane had done that in high school and just turned the lights off and sang some songs to the Lord . But he had zero ambition because we didn ’ t even know you could have ambition for that , you know ? ( laughs ) All the worship leaders that we grew up seeing , even from early on , played the acoustic guitar back then . So the Lord just set it up , and Shane had borrowed my guitar for his first show , and after he played that , people would be like , “ Hey , Shane , can you come lead worship at our college group ?” And so he started going , and within a few months , he dropped out of school and was just traveling around doing whatever . And he got asked to play up in the Northeast and was like , “ Dude , come with us . Get in the car with us ” to me . So , we drove to Duluth , Minnesota , to do a coffee shop at Northwest Bookstores .
[ Shane B ] ( laughing ) I mean , it was ridiculous . So yeah , Shane E ended up just hopping in the car , and we started to sing the Bible because ,
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