A few months ago , I began leading worship for the Celebrate Recovery group that meets at our church . They had a worship leader who had a growing family and he needed to be with his family , and I felt the Lord telling me it was time to lead again .
After a few weeks , the leader mentioned that he ’ d like to have just a night of worship for the meeting and that he would have some member testimonies during the night . That was great with me ! So , I began preparing a setlist . It was about that time that the Lord dropped Bryce Anderson ’ s song on my Instagram feed once again . I remember seeing it last year and I sent it to my son back then just because I thought it would be a great song to lead .
Now , thinking of the roads our CR folks have walked … the roads we have all walked for that matter , we all have a story to tell of Christ ’ s redeeming love and the moment that we were rescued from sin and given new life !
For our night of worship , I introduced the song at the beginning of the night and then we repeated the chorus each time we needed to setup a testimony . That really worked perfect for us as each time we hit “ I ’ ve got a story to tell ” the next person giving testimony knew it was time to step up .
Verse : A
A Oh , I ’ ve got a Savior The only One who really saves A D A When all of the others They left me in the grave A
A You came to my darkness An explosion of light A D A When I sat there dead inside You brought me back to life
Chorus : A D A / C # I ’ ve got a story to tell My God , He saved me from hell
D I ’ ve got a story to tell A D A / C # Was dead now I am alive I cannot keep it inside
D I ’ ve got a story to tell
Verse : A Oh , death defying power How can I be ashamed A D A ‘ Cause His love ’ s like a fire It cannot be contained ( x2 )
The song has a super-simple structure with a catchy rhythm . This is one of those songs that can literally be lead at any dynamic and still be effective . I know our CR group got into it before the first chorus !
A D A / C #
X It ’ s recorded in the key of “ A ” which is a perfect key for the Short-Cut Capo . In fact , you only need three chords … “ A ,” “ D ” and “ A / C #.” Watch the video and I ’ ll show you the chords , but also look for Bryce ’ s video under YWAM Kona and you ’ ll catch the energy that ’ s in the room . The Word tells us that we overcome by the word of our testimony . It may be time to tell your story !
Mitch Bohannon Mitch developed the Short-Cut Capo for Kyser and is the Director of Live Production at Trinity Baptist Church in Lake Charles , Louisiana .
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