Worship Musician Magazine January 2024 | Page 39

prided myself on the fact that on the Sundays when I was absent , things would NOT go well . It was just my pride searching for validation in my work , and I wanted to feel important . It was then that I learned a lesson I ’ ll never forget : if you ’ re building a ministry that relies on you , you ’ re building a ministry that glorifies you . So , lead with your legacy in mind , and build a ministry that can run without you ! Invest in your team and train them to do what you do . Find someone you can train to lead worship and sow into them a desire to serve the church . Next , let ’ s talk about providing them with the resources they need to succeed .
Not everyone who serves on a worship team can listen to a song and immediately play it . I ’ ve known many skilled musicians who struggle to learn their part when the right resources aren ’ t provided . You ’ re the worship leader and probably spend hours prepping your sets and listening to the songs , which means you know the music well ! Because you ’ re dedicated to your job and you were also hired for your musical talent , you could probably crush it every week with limited resources to help you . But let ’ s think about everyone else on your team .
You more than likely have team members of all ages and walks of life . Let ’ s think about the student who needs to study and also participate in their college ministry , or the parent who only has Saturday morning to spend with their kids . Every member of your team has limited hours in their week and it ’ s up to you as their leader to provide them with all the resources they need to be prepared ! Think of it as this : with the rehearsal resources you provide , you ’ re building a team that will outlast you ! But let ’ s get practical : what should you provide for your team so they can show up prepared ?
First , make sure they have access to the correct charts . It ’ s discouraging to your team if they show up on Sunday , and they ’ ve been playing the wrong part all week . MultiTracks . com ’ s app ChartBuilder ® will provide your musicians with charts that match the arrangement every time . You can remove the guessing game that happens when you download charts from platforms where you select songs without knowing if the charts are accurate . Next , you will need a reliable way for your team to hear their individual parts . Within the ecosystem of ChartBuilder we have built a resource called RehearsalMix . You can listen to individual stems boosted in the mix or taken away so you can play along . I remember when I first started integrating Rehearsal Mix for my team - it honestly blew me away how many team members were showing up prepared on Sunday ! At MultiTracks . com , we ’ re not only building resources that make your team sound better through tracks , but we ’ re also building a platform that provides your entire team with
January 2024 Subscribe for Free ... 39