Worship Musician Magazine January 2024 | Page 25

PASSION , KRISTIAN STANFILL AND CODY CARNES Song Spotlight “ He Who Is To Come ” is based on Lamentation 3:22-23 and brings us to the heart of the EP as Worship Director , Kevin King sings passionately about the unfailing , everlasting love of our God .
There are a number of what we would call , “ new hymns ” included in this album and “ Jesus Do Not Look On Me ” is probably the best of the lot . This gorgeous hymn begins with a calming string orchestra as Kevin King fervently sings about being at the foot of the cross watching Jesus hanging for our sins . This could be an amazing opener for a Good Friday service .
Two of the biggest names in the worship genre , Kristian Stanfill and Cody Carnes have joined forces and gifted the church a new hope-laden anthem , “ He Who Is To Come ” whose lyrical theme is based on Revelation 1:7-8 .
The first two verses of the song feature a haunting acoustic guitar melody and shimmering keyboard loops as Kristian Stanfill sings about the hope that waits for us by reminding the world that one day soon , our God will return as a conquering King to reclaim His people . It is a promise that not only exists for our future but also for our present as Stanfill quietly yet confidently sings ; “ This hope for tomorrow is our hope for today ”.
Verse 4 and 5 are the best part of the song as the instrumentation matches the lyrical theme building in intensity while the guys confidently sing ; “ He is surely coming . Oh can you feel it too ? All this tension growing stronger , it ’ s just a sign He ’ s getting closer , He ’ s already on the move !” Verse 5 reminds us that we already know the end of this story and that we can stand on the fact that He is coming back and that this promise is our anchor for today .
The song ends with a spontaneous worship section and the phrase “ Come , Lord Jesus , come ” which is a phrase I have personally found myself quoting over and over in the past few years .
Grace Worship ’ s version of “ The Twenty- Third Psalm ” is creatively written and humbly delivered with a piano , flute , oboe and strings . The choral backing beginning in verse two just takes this gorgeous rendition to another level .
This was a nice surprise of an EP . I loved the more traditional feel with the choirs and orchestra throughout . You can tell Worship Director , Kevin King has probably been singing with choirs or on stage his whole life . His warm clean tenor shines throughout and provides the baseline for the album . Grace is a church that is writing music for their congregation using the gifts God has blessed them with and as an old Lutheran myself , I enjoyed this little collection .
The pre-chorus builds in musical intensity with a piano arpeggio while setting up the chorus perfectly with a single phrase ; “ He who was , He who is ” which reminds us that our God never changes . The hook-driven chorus gives a glorious glimpse into what His return may look like based on the book of Revelation as Carnes and Stanfill paint a triumphant musical picture of Jesus wearing his crown and returning on the clouds to claim us , Verse 3 brings in the four-on-the-floor kick drum and building instrumentation as this verse is more of a vertical offering of worship to the coming king giving Him honor and praise . Chorus 2 follows with driving drums and electric guitars powerfully building the song before giving way to a quieter turnaround section and verse 4 .
This song reminded me a bit of Leeland ’ s “ The Lion and The Lamb ” from a few years ago but there aren ’ t a lot of songs currently written with the end times as their theme . I think Carnes and Stanfill have done a marvelous job filling that gap while writing something so relevant to our current reality and the uncertainty we all are experiencing while reminding us that our God is near .
Gerod Bass Worship leader in Tacoma , WA . Mentor with Worship Catalyst . Singer , songwriter , guitarist with a passion for impacting lives for the sake of the Gospel . www . oslc . com
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