great friends of ours . I mean , we ’ ve been in and out of the industry multiple times and been on multiple record labels .
When we started doing The Worship Initiative , we had training content and would share it with them . We ’ ve been in a relationship with them for years . And as we ’ ve been talking about the publishing side , we just said , “ It ’ d be great if we had a relationship with you guys to help us on the publishing side .” And so , we have a partnership with them for our publishing .
And then , in addition to that , we are also doing a lot of promotion for their songs and content . And then it has morphed into a partnership with Capitol and what they wanna see happen in the church , specifically around theologically sound written content . And so they ’ re like , “ We love what you guys are doing . We love how you ’ re training the church . You ’ re doing it in a way that we think would be really helpful for the Worship Together people who come to find resources for their local expressions of worship .” And so , because of that alignment of mission , we really hopped in with them and are excited to see where the partnership leads . To really help resource the church , which is why we exist . We want the church to be healthy , and we want biblically rich content .
We just think it ’ s really important what you sing . You know ? I feel like it connects with the heart . It ’ s a supernatural thing to see what the Lord , through the Spirit , does through singing and through people singing together . And the verse that we use here is Colossians 3:16 . May the Word of Christ dwell richly in you as you teach and admonish one another . And all wisdom through singing Psalms , hymns , and spiritual songs with gratefulness to God in your heart . And that ’ s what we wanna do . That ’ s what we want to see happen . So , we ’ re excited about the future .
[ WM ] Right on . That flows right into my question about The Worship Initiative . How did that come about , and what kind of resources can churches get from you at The Worship Initiative ?
[ Shane E ] Yes . The beginnings of it started with us running a songwriting class years ago . We did it here at the studio for college students every Monday night . We just got to walk with young worship leaders . It was basically a Bible study , and then we wrote songs out of it every week . We did that for five or six years . Then , through that , I think God just gave us a new passion for pouring into worship leaders in the church , and we saw a pretty big deficit of folks knowing God through His Word . It was more about knowing God through experiences . But every semester , out of 12 kids , we ’ d have one come to Christ , you know ?
[ WM ] Wow !
[ Shane E ] Yeah . Like being in college , in a ministry school , just discovering God through the truth of who He is . And so then , you know , God aligned the stars and sent the right people
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