Worship Musician Magazine January 2023 | Page 51

and share with me some small part I played in it , I break down in tears . It is truly humbling . I will share a couple of anecdotes to illustrate what I have seen many times .
One of my co-workers who was going through a very difficult time in life and was far from God came to know Jesus and he is a pastor now and just started his own ministry / church in Los Angeles .
A well-known musician who fell away from Jesus has become a very close friend . I love him dearly . I was texting with him a couple years ago after hanging out earlier in the day . He had shared with me about tensions in his band and I just said back to him that I was not in huge bands but that I understood what he was going through and that I was sending him prayers to which he texted me back “ Bless you . You are a real Christian .” I burst into tears . Not because of what he thought of me , but because he sees Christ in me . That is all that matters . The reason I knew it was a major statement is because he has said to me many times over the years that the only real Christian he had ever known was Phil Keaggy . I love Phil and I am honored to be able to keep Christ in the conversation that Phil started .
[ WM ] Now , so many years later , you have come full circle and are very involved with the founder Jim again at James Tyler Guitars . In fact , this time around you are the General Manager . Tell us about your role there ?
[ Rich ] After leaving KRK I went back to mixing and in early 2020 got a gig mixing Disney and Marvel special features and behind the scenes clips . I have mixed a few independent films and some TV shows , so I also reached out to a friend in the union who works for Disney to learn how to get in the union . This was two days before the Covid shutdown . When the shutdown happened , all of that mixing just stopped . I ended up mixing a big church in Houston remotely and did some other mixing jobs when Jim called me to come in and help him do some invoicing and wiring some guitars
Sometimes Rich needs to jump in and work in the shop .
and shipping those guitars . He had wanted to watch God move . retire for a few years but if he were to leave or sell , the brand kind of leaves with him . He is [ WM ] Lastly , what advice do you have for Tyler Guitars . worship musicians in general , and for those who are thinking of following a vocation by After working with him for a few weeks , we being a part of the NAMM Industry ? talked , and I had a plan . What if the “ George Fullerton ” of Tyler Guitars came back to work [ Rich ] Just keep moving forward . Going back for Jim , could we keep the brand going ? to my favorite verse for living life , “ The steps of Many folks in the musical instruments industry the righteous man are ordered by the Lord .” know who George is but not everyone . He Psalms 37:23 , you have to see that you can do was Leo Fender ’ s right-hand man . I will never nothing to force things to happen . Whatever is be as famous as James , but folks know who put in front of you to do , do it with all your might I am and what I have done . I reached out to and be a person people want to be around . our dealer base and asked them all what Everything leads to something so keep trying they thought , and they were overwhelmingly things . Never stop learning . Never stop asking positive in their response . It was a definite questions . Keep reading Worship Musician yes ! They loved the idea . I also reached out to magazine . many of the guitarists who use Tyler for their opinion , and they agreed . They trusted me to Lastly , I would just like to thank you Bruce keep Jim ’ s vision going . They also trusted me for asking me to do this interview . It is truly to keep to Jim ’ s high standards . Since 2020 , humbling . You are truly one of those ‘ salt of the I have built up a team that has allowed Jim to earth ’ people . I am so glad you came into my have freedom to do what he wants to do while life , and I thank you for all the great advice you I keep the shop humming . I am just using my have given me over the years . product manager skills to product manage the business . At the end of 2022 I have now raised Editor ’ s note : Well , that is a pretty humbling production to double the number that Jim has ending to the interview for me as Rich ’ s friend . ever done in the past and kept the same high His words are gracious towards me ( which I quality . It has opened the door for Jim to do do appreciate ) but just like Rich does , I would things like getting the set-neck guitars and reflect all of that right back to the Lord and basses into production . I am looking forward His lovingkindness in my life . The Lord gets to seeing where this all goes but as you can the entire credit for anything good in both of see from my story , I don ’ t plan , I just walk and our lives ...
January 2023 Subscribe for Free ... 51