A Glorious Light Has Dawned and your conference distinctives , and any other projects targeted for release next year ?
[ Henry ] The conference is going to be powerful ! I believe that we ’ re going to be able to make the conference come together again in a big way . That ’ s the miracle that we ’ re praying for right now . Especially after the year we ’ ve had . I believe we ’ re stepping into a new season , and I believe 2021 is going to be a significant year for us all and especially for the Church as we get a grasp on what God wants to do . As this world seems to be getting darker and darker we as believers have a charge to shine the light of God in a way that the world needs right now . The world needs hope , the world needs God ’ s light and joy displayed on the earth , and that really is the heartbeat of our conference . People will be able to experience again something that will impact them and encourage them to be carriers and people who display the light and the glory of God .
We ’ re excited for it ! The conference is always a powerful time for us . It ’ s just something God does . It ’ s a time when you ’ ve just got no other distractions and nothing else in the way , God always does something powerful and we ’ re excited about that . We ’ re actually in the middle of our next project and we ’ re planning on releasing it sometime in the second quarter of 2021 , so get ready for some new music from The Belonging coming soon .
[ WM ] In closing I would like to acknowledge Australia ’ s tremendous influence upon the worldwide church . It ’ s truly amazing . What are your greatest hopes for your ministry ?
[ Henry ] My greatest desire is always to bring people closer to Jesus , whether that ’ s through worship , or through music , or through the word or just conversation and life and anything that we create . That really is my greatest goal , that people would know Jesus on a deeper level and that they would walk in the power of His Holy Spirit understanding what they are called to . That ’ s the heartbeat of The Belonging Co , that we would raise disciples that are secure in their knowledge of God , their understanding of who God has created them to be , and that they can bring hope to this world through what God has called them to do .
[ WM ] Thank you Pastor Henry for this time and for sharing your heart with us .
[ Henry ] Thank you Alex . I appreciate your time , your questions , and your heart .