Worship Musician Magazine January 2021 | Page 10

on Tuesday nights . It just grew and grew and grew and got to over a hundred people , and I remember praying and saying , “ God , this thing needs a pastor . I ’ m not a pastor , it ’ s not what I ’ m called to do , I ’ m not meant to shepherd these people .” And God quite clearly said , “ Who put that on you ? Who told you that you ’ re not a pastor ?” And I remember feeling God saying , “ Would you be willing to step out in faith ? To step out and take on this responsibility of loving and caring for all these people that need it ?” And in that moment , I realized that it was why God had called us here to Nashville .
That ’ s really how it all started , and it ’ s kind of the back story to get to being able to answer your question , but we didn ’ t have a staff and we didn ’ t have any support financially or anything like that . My wife Alex has always been the preacher . She has an incredible ability to communicate the Gospel , and I had always led worship . So , when we started the church , I led worship most days each week and my wife preached each week . It wasn ’ t until a couple years later that I began to step into this area of preaching and really pastoring and leading this church . My role has shifted from being a worship leader to actually overseeing our church and our worship team and putting our worship pastor Andrew into place to really step up and take over that .
[ WM ] What is the ideal relationship between a pastor and a worship leader ?
[ Henry ] I think that ’ s an area that a lot of churches struggle with . I ’ m fortunate that in the church that I grew up in , I had a very close relationship with my pastor . I think one of the things we saw that we were able to bring into this season that I believe is so powerful , was because there was a close relationship between the senior pastor and myself as a worship leader , there was always a close synergy between worship and the Word . I think in a lot of churches there is a huge disconnect there . Worship is almost seen as the warmup part to get to the main bit , which is the message . I believe the Word is powerful , but
I also believe worship is powerful , and I think if you can get those two areas in sync that it makes space and helps create an atmosphere that is incredibly powerful for people to receive
The Blessing // Henry Seeley | The Belonging Co TV the Word of God . One area that I ’ ve always been very mindful of is to make sure that the relationship is strong and there is a closeness there , so that we can flow together between what ’ s preached and what ’ s led and how that coexists in our church .
To be honest , as a church we probably , like every church , hope there is a general flow that is familiar to our church services . But we ’ re not really a church that is locked into a structure or that has to stick minute by minute to a run sheet . I think a lot of the time we get so caught up in
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