Worship Musician Magazine February 2025 | Page 32

Patrick Mayberry joins Loop Community Founder Matt McCoy to talk about the importance of finding rest as a worship leader , finding community , and his new music !
[ Matt ] What would you tell a worship leader who is feeling stuck or like something isn ’ t going well during the season that they are in ?
[ Patrick ] First you should go sit down with your pastor and explain how you ’ re feeling . Explain to them that you feel like you need a break or vacation to get away with your spouse or just on your own to dream for a minute . I find for me I can get so upside down when I ’ m not rested , or my soul is exhausted . God knew what He was doing when he gave us a Sabbath . There are rhythms of how we should operate , especially in the creative and pastoral space .
Making sure you ’ re caring for yourself would be my first advice . I don ’ t think you can have a clear view of yourself or your ministry when you ’ re exhausted . I get jaded , bitter , and struggle with comparison . I ’ m not just saying like when you ’ re tired and need a nap . You ’ ve poured out everything , poured into people , and done tons of services , and now you must rest .
For me , true rest leads to boredom , boredom leads to restlessness , and restlessness leads to innovation .
[ Matt ] Rest is so important . What could a worship leader do if they only have one day to find rest or inspiration ?
[ Patrick ] There ’ s so much power in community . If you ’ re a worship pastor and the only person on staff at your church in a worship capacity , reach out to other worship leaders in your area . Ask them to lunch . There ’ s so much power in getting together with someone from another church that gets it . You ’ re not there to trash talk , but you both get that volunteers don ’ t get the vision and aren ’ t on time , or that pastors have last minute big ideas . There ’ s something powerful about having friendships with other worship pastors and worship leaders .
[ Matt ] Tell us about your new album Give It Back .
[ Patrick ] The thing I ’ ve always loved is worship on a Sunday . I love leading with a band and leading people . I would always choose “ live ” over a “ studio ”. We had a bunch of songs that I ’ ve written over the last few years and felt like the Lord was lining it up for us to record . All my buddies played on it ; we recorded it with a bunch of friends from church , and had a night of worship . We tried to keep it as real and raw as possible .
[ Matt ] Did you retrack all your vocals ?
[ Patrick ] No , I only re-recorded three phrases because you couldn ’ t understand them . Otherwise , it ’ s all real and there ’ s lots of cymbal bleed in them . I ’ m really proud of how it all turned out !
Click here to watch the full interview with Patrick and Matt .
Be sure to listen to Patrick ’ s new album Give It Back wherever you stream music and get the Master Tracks on LoopCommunity . com .
Matt McCoy Matt is a worship leader , songwriter and Ableton Certified Trainer from Chicago , IL . He has been using Ableton and tracks in worship since 2002 . He ’ s passionate about creating new products and teaching worship leaders and artists how to use technology in live performance . www . LoopCommunity . com 32 February 2025 Subscribe for Free ...