Any bassline we play , whether simple or complex , can be analyzed harmonically by establishing a chordal context in which it fits , based on the notes it contains . For example , we might look at the following bassline in FIGURE 1 and assume that it matches up with a C major or C major triad-based chord .
What are some clues that might lead us to that assumption ?
• The first note on the down beat of each measure is a “ C ”, and although not a guarantee , this usually implies it ’ s safe to assume that the root of the chord being played over would be a “ C ”, as well
• Assuming “ C ” is the root , the collective qualities of the included notes being played are the root , major 2nd , major 3rd , perfect 5 th , major 6 th , and octave
• All the included notes are member notes of the C major ( C Ionian ) scale , the C Mixolydian scale , and the C major pentatonic scale
Having just established those few points , we can then ask ourselves what chords could this line be played over ? The most obvious choices might be :
• C or C major : ( root , 3 , 5 )
• C major 7 : ( root , 3 , 5 , 7 )
• C 7 : ( root , 3 , 5 , b7 )
Note : There are some other more dissonant harmonic contexts in which you could creatively apply this bassline , but the ones listed here would be the most typical .
Now let ’ s look at another example bassline in FIGURE 2 :
In this example , we might assume that this line would be appropriately played over an A minor or an A minor triad-based chord . Let use the same type of analysis to establish some key clues :
• The first note on the down beat of each measure is an “ A ”, so we are going to assume that the root of the chord being played over would be an “ A ”.
• With “ A ” functioning as the root , the qualities of the included notes in the bassline are the root , minor 3rd , perfect 4th , perfect 5 th , and minor 7 th
• All the included notes are member notes of the A natural minor ( A Aeolian ) scale , the A Dorian scale , and the A minor pentatonic scale
Having done this little bit of analysis , a couple of compatible chords with this bassline might be :
• C minor : ( root , b3 , 5 )
• C minor 7 : ( root , b3 , 5 , b7 )
What we are doing here is trying to establish a very basic relationship between the notes in a chord and the corresponding notes being used in a bassline . Since in many instances a bassline is not written until the basic harmony of the song has been composed and established , it makes sense to be aware of these relationships as a bass player . If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you are responsible for writing a bassline for a song , you may have found yourself wanting to step outside of what
felt automatic or what sounded “ safe ” to you . You may have wanted to instead try something more creative or exploratory , but it can be very challenging to know the harmonic parameters to work within if you don ’ t have this basic understanding of the relationship between scales and chords .
You might be wondering , “ Why would I need this knowledge if most basslines are usually just made up of roots , 5ths , octaves , and 3rds ?”
That is indeed a fair question , because we can ’ t ignore the fact that the purpose of a good bassline is primarily to form a solid foundation for the song with respect to both rhythm and harmony . With that in mind , we shouldn ’ t necessarily be looking for how many scale tones we can include in a line just because it might “ fit ” the “ music theory ” of the chord . That mindset will inevitably result in unneeded busyness from the line . However , the places where this knowledge is often used to enhance or improve a line are the transitions between phrases or song sections . Without knowing what notes are fair game when connecting one chord to phrase to another , you might be stuck with a one-dimensional approach that doesn ’ t leave much room for creativity .
Another point worth making is that often a bassline helps smoothly transition and direct the listener to the next chord or phrase due to how it makes a melodic connection between them . This is where a knowledge of what options you have for note choices really shines .
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