Worship Musician Magazine February 2024 | Page 83

modulated stereo delay sound is simply heavenly . If there was a delay sound in my head , this pedal nailed it . After some serious , “ I can ’ t believe this thing sounds THIS great ” headshaking I concluded that I have truly found delay heaven .
BACKGROUND MXR was founded by Terry Sherwood and Keith Barr in 1992 . In 1994 they released the Phase 90 , most famously used by Edward Van Halen . It was also a staple for disco players and lounge lizards the world over . Soon after they released the Distortion + which became
an integral part of Randy Rhoads ’ signature guitar sound . Equally great on guitar , the Dyna Comp enabled bass players to level their game in live setting . In short MXR was and remains an integral part of the pedal ecosystem .
In 1987 Jim Dunlop aka Dunlop Manufacturing , Inc . acquired the brand and continues to reissue classic MXR designs as well as craft great ambient pedals like the M169 Carbon Copy delay and the M300 Reverb . The Dunlop DVP4 Volume ( X ) Mini is my expression pedal of choice for this device .
CONCLUSION Right out of the box , I ’ ve been using this glorious little pedal in venues ranging from the House of Blues to golf clubs and corporate events . Be it the outstanding sounds , feature set or footprint , Joshua rocks the house every time .
$ 239.99 MAP JimDunlop . com
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