Worship Musician Magazine February 2024 | Page 73

Major , and lower-case numbers are minor . With Nashville Numbers , we just use Arabic numerals , and we indicate the qualities of the chords with just a number to imply a Major chord , and a number followed by a lower case “ m ” to indicate a minor chord .
Using numerals or numbers , we need to be able to identify each chord as a number , but then also to identify each number as a chord . So , for example , in the key of C Major , what is the number for C ? What about the number for F ? Check the chart above to confirm our answer .
Let ’ s go the other way . In the key of C Major , what is the name of the minor vi chord ? How about the minor ii chord ? Again , you can check your work .
So , if I wanted to play the progression I V vi IV ( or 1 5 6m 4 ) in C , what would the chords be ? C G Am F . It ’ s a very popular progression .
Let ’ s do the reverse process . If I played the progression C Em F G , what would the chordal analysis be in terms of numbers ? I iii IV V ( or 1 3m 4 5 ). Another very useful progression . Lastly ,
If we have a destination key we want to transpose to , it would be helpful for us to know those diatonic chords , and to be able to familiarize ourselves with them in the same fashion as numbers . For our purposes today , I ’ ve chosen the key of A Major ( also reflected in the chart I ’ ve provided ).
Now let ’ s put this knowledge to practical use .
Let ’ s go back to our first progression of chords in C with C G Am F and let ’ s transpose that progression to the key of A . If we know the corresponding numbers and chords in the key of A , we know that the chords for that progression would be … A E F # m D . Transposition accomplished !
Now let ’ s create a new progression in A with I IV ii V ( or 1 4 2m 5 ). Those chords are A D Bm E . Based on how well we know the chords in C , we use numbers and transposition to crank out C F Dm G . Transposition accomplished again !
The accompanying video will add much more dimension and understanding to what you ’ re reading here .
Now there are a couple subtle ways to check our work . If we know the distance from A to C , which is up a minor 3 rd , we can take each chord in the key of A , and move “ vertically ” to its corresponding chord in the key of C . ( The video has more .)
Another method is to think “ horizontally ” from the tonic to the other chords within each key . The tonic is the home I chord , so this would be the A Major chord in the key of A , or the C Major chord in the key of C . ( The video again has more .)
As you can see , this process is going to help us a lot . It ’ s just a matter of some simple memory work and repetition .
Want to go deeper ? Please watch the video for a more advanced progression with some borrowed chords .
Are you ready for some application to validate these tools ? Let me ask some questions , all of which end in a positive answer .
Can we transpose from the key of A back to the key of C ? Of course !
Can we take a progression in a less guitarfriendly key that either requires lots of bar chords or a capo , and transpose it to a guitarfriendly key with fewer bar chords and more open chords ? Yeah buddy !
Can we transpose from one minor key to another minor key ? Yep !
Can we transpose from the Dorian mode with one key center to a Dorian mode with another key center ? You betcha !
As you can see , there are all kinds of possibilities when we know how to transpose .
If you have a worship song and you want to transpose it , you can use this method . You can write out the transposition with numbers , or verbally call it out on the fly as you play with your band . There are digital tools that can do this for you , but if you want to grow in your ability to transpose , I encourage you to try some of this mentally and manually .
I ’ ve transposed more charts than I can count . And if you can analyze and learn a song by number , and you ’ ve got a good grasp of several keys , you can quickly transpose that song into any of those keys .
Transposition facilitates easier fingerings , preferred chord voicings , better vocal ranges , and more . See the relevance ?
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David Harsh David is a nationally touring worship leader , songwriter and performing artist . He is passionate about equipping guitarists to discover their potential . Learn more and join now at www . GuitarSuccess4U . com
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