Worship Musician Magazine February 2024 | Page 52

iOS-based tracks player that is made to truly serve the moment . You can arrange the song however you want it to feel and also fill the gaps your worship team needs to find a full sound . Oh my gosh , that ’ s the beauty of Playback , even if it ’ s just you playing an acoustic — you have access to an incredible and dynamic pad player . It ’ s a great resource to have in place wherever you find yourself leading worship . From the massive conference to the morning prayer room — Playback is the only iOS-based tracks player created to meet the needs of the worship moment . I ’ m a big fan .
[ Joshua ] Yes I totally agree ! Playback was created so you could truly flow and fill out every worship moment . As an MD you ’ ve probably used a myriad of resources and options for all sorts of things . So why should other MDs consider using Playback to fill out the sound of their team ?
Cristiano : I think from an interface aspect , it ’ s the best out there , so just go with that . It ’ s created for accessibility and the user experience . I know I can throw Playback in front of any volunteer and they can start running tracks that same Sunday . It ’ s unheard of !
[ Joshua ] I think in the end , it ’ s about knowing your craft and using the tools we have to create worship moments that change lives . Playback to me is such an obvious resource to use so the entire band can focus their energy on leading the moment , rather than worrying about having a full sound . The key to curbing overplaying is having a leader who shepherds the team and stewards those moments . I know I ’ m proud to work for a company that is dedicated to helping teams accomplish this every Sunday . Cristiano , thank you so much for sharing your time with us today .
Cristiano : I was happy to , thank you !
To read the full interview , visit this Lead Worship Well link .
Joshua Taliaferro Joshua Taliaferro is a member of the Marketing team at MultiTracks . com . He manages the social media channels and enjoys creating content to help worship leaders innovate and lead with excellence .
MultiTracks . com
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