ARE YOU OVERPLAYING ? | Joshua Taliaferro
We ’ ve all been there . You come to a worship service ready to focus on worshipping Jesus , but you end up distracted by the band because they ’ re overplaying . This is more common than we think , so I sat down with Cristiano Rede to get the perspective of a Music Director when it comes to musicians overplaying in worship . this topic which I ’ m passionate about . I have been an MD for about 9 years now . I started at the Bethel Ministry School . I grew up around that , and as I got better , I got to go on trips and play in different places beyond the church . I count myself very fortunate and I love it . It ’ s still amazing .
[ Joshua ] What an insightful way to view that ! I found that one of the callings we have as a worship team is providing a space for the congregation to experience Jesus through the music we create on a Sunday morning . What are some ‘ practicals ’ on how a Worship Team can accomplish this ?
[ Joshua ] Cristiano , thank you so much for sitting down with me today . It ’ s always great to sit down with someone else who ’ s in the space of leading worship — and , in your case , directing worship teams ! I ’ d love to hear about your experience as a Music Director . How long have you been an MD ?
Cristiano : First of all , Joshua , thank you for having me . It ’ s such an honor to collaborate with you and exchange some cards around
[ Joshua ] Describe to me a little bit more about the relationship between an MD and a worship leader . What ’ s that like ?
Cristiano : Well , that ’ s a great question . Everybody could tell you a different answer . I see the MD as a stage shepherd . The MD guides the band to follow the direction and will of the Worship Leader . As an MD , you need to come in with a heart ready to serve whoever is leading the team .
Cristiano : Well I always think of two things . First off , the entire worship team should be going after excellence and learning their craft . They have to ask themselves , what is their role in these holy moments ? When you ’ re educated in this , you can create genuine moments with your team that aren ’ t overproduced . The second one is community . Community plays an important part when we recognize the need to create history between the people in the room so you can actually usher and launch the church into worship because there is trust
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