Michael W . Smith sat down with Loop Community Founder Matt McCoy to talk about how worship music has changed , how to be humble as a worship leader and more !
HOW WORSHIP HAS CHANGED [ Matt ] How have you seen worship music change over the years ? Is there anything you think that we should go back to ?
[ Michael ] I think things have gotten better , but there ’ s issues too . I have concerns about the performance aspect of worship , and I get that , and I do think there ’ s a healthy balance for it . But we need to be careful . I also think we need more vertical songs . We need more songs declaring who He is . There ’ s a lack of that , but when I say these things , I ’ m pointing back towards me because I can always do better .
HAVING HUMILITY AS A WORSHIP LEADER [ Matt ] What would you tell a young worship leader that is seeking advice ?
[ Michael ] If I could go back and tell myself something it would be that it ’ s not about you . God is looking for people who are humble . If you ’ re not humble , you ’ re destined to fall . Every time I lead worship or do a concert , I say ‘ God let my posture be beautiful . Let me be clothed in humility and if there ’ s any ‘ rockstar ’ thing coming at me , let me diffuse it .’ You ’ re either up there being a rockstar , or you ’ re deflecting the glory to God . Lead with great humility .
A worship leader ’ s main objective is to change the atmosphere where God can meet people . That ’ s your job . You usher in and sing these songs , the darkness flees , and it makes this pathway where people can really hear from God .
SONGWRITING [ Matt ] When you sit down to write a song , what ’ s your focus right now ? Are you focusing on worship or more on CCM style music ?
[ Michael ] I ’ m not sure where I ’ m at right now . I never know what I ’ m going to write . I ’ ve been intentional about certain projects , but every time I sit down to try to write something specific it ’ s a disaster for me . I never know what ’ s going to come out . I ’ ll have a pop thing over here , and then a cinematic thing that sounds like it ’ s in a movie , or I ’ ll be writing , and it sounds like it would be good for worship . Sometimes some of the music and melodies I write I ’ m just playing for the King .
Click here to watch the full interview ! Download the tracks for Michael W . Smith ’ s songs to lead them at your church on LoopCommunity . com .
Matt McCoy Matt is a worship leader , songwriter and Ableton Certified Trainer from Chicago , IL . He has been using Ableton and tracks in worship since 2002 . He ’ s passionate about creating new products and teaching worship leaders and artists how to use technology in live performance . www . LoopCommunity . com 40 February 2024 Subscribe for Free ...