If you are a percussionist with access to the internet and a little curiosity , you ’ ve probably checked out some of the jaw-dropping displays of percussion technique . You can find drummers with amazing single-pedal skills , marimbists performing deftly with six mallets , and congueros playing the tumbao pattern with one hand . Our percussion abilities have come a long way since early humans tapped alternating strokes on a hollow log !
Whether knocking out a blast beat or shaking a delicate series of eighth notes with maracas , the means to accomplish our musical ideas fall under the heading of technique .
Are you seeking to expand your technical skills ? The exercises and suggestions below will aid you in evaluating certain skills and will become technique builders — given enough practice .
A DELICATE BEGINNING When learning to drive , getting the car off to a smooth start can be a challenge . With some percussion instruments , starting a roll smoothly can be a bit troublesome , especially at a soft volume . Are you able to begin a buzz roll at a low dynamic level ? Are you able to bring in a triangle roll with a soft attack ? Develop your roll technique so that the opening sounds of rolls are confident at a variety of volumes .
FORTY SOFT CHOPS CHALLENGES Playing paradiddles , five-stroke rolls , and other rudiments at a mid-level volume might be a piece of cake to many percussionists , but what happens when the dynamic gets dialed back to pianissimo ? Ratamacues , Flam Taps , and the whole family of rudiments require special control when the volume comes down . Check on your soft chops by playing through the Forty Standard American Rudiments at a quiet dynamic level . Download a free copy of the rudiments at www . pas . org .
TWISTED PARADIDDLES Rudiment lists will often notate the paradiddle with an accent over the first note in the series . With an accent placed on a different note , multiple notes , or without any accents , it ’ s still a paradiddle . With that in mind , practice this exercise (# 1 ) that sets an accent on various parts of the paradiddle . Use stick heights to assist in producing the volume differences between the accented and unaccented notes .