Worship Musician Magazine February 2023 | Page 92

photo by Josh Sorenson via Unsplash
As I ’ ve been thinking through my personal drum routine some essentials of worship drumming have come to my attention again . The foundations seem more important than ever . I guess you could say these are the pillars of a worship drummer ’ s life .
• Heart and soul
• Timing and groove
• Team spirit
• Playing to the room
First , “ You gotta ’ have heart … Lots and lots and lots of heart .” These words from an old song still have the most profound meaning . If you are not fully engaged in the meaning and emotions of the music you ’ re playing it will feel lifeless . I believe that playing with passion and purpose is felt by you , your fellow minstrels , and the people listening .
This concept is a little difficult to describe in technical terms . I just know that music feels differently when I ’ m aware of what I am suppose to communicate , and that I am excited to tell the story . When my heart isn ’ t in it there ’ s an energy that ’ s lacking . I think that ’ s the “ soul ” part of music .
This is even more critical when it comes to worship . We must be worshipping when we play . It has to be more than getting the notes right . Playing with excellence is great to a certain level , but there is a realm of spiritual power that will only happen when we are playing to honor and love the Lord with all our heart . So , guard your heart ! “ THOU SHALT NOT PLAY THE DRUMS IN VAIN .”
Number two … Your sense of time and groove must be solid . As much as your heart being in it is vital , so is your ability to do the job well . Keep working on your chops ! Make sure you have every song worked out thoroughly . If you know there are spots in a tune that are challenging you , work on it some more . Using a metronome when you practice is most critical . Keeping the time solid and the groove feeling great is primo ! Don ’ t be content with anything less than your absolute best . As my friend Abraham Laboriel would say , “ TO GROOVE OR NOT TO
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