Worship Musician Magazine February 2022 | Page 79

that song , I now have five immediate options .
Why are these keys closely-related ? Because they ’ re pleasing to the ear when we move to them . Why are they pleasing to the ear ? Because they each start on a chord that is already in the key of D . Those closely-related keys again , in no specific order , are G , A , E minor , B minor and F # minor . So … that ’ s a Major key example .
Let ’ s say we ’ re starting from the key of E minor . The seven diatonic chords in E natural minor are available here in a new Super Spy Decoder .
They are : E minor , F # diminished , G Major , A minor , B minor , C Major , and D Major . At this point , you may know what I ’ m going to say , even before I say it . The diminished ii ° chord ( the F # diminished chord ) is not going to be as accessible , so it won ’ t remain in the picture , thus my orange box with an “ X ” through the chord .
Look at my second little slice of the Circle , with E minor as the key we ’ re starting from . Again , we have five other keys that are within easy reach of E minor , and they all start on a chord that ’ s diatonic to E minor . These five closelyrelated keys again , in no specific order , are G , C , D , A minor and B minor . And … that ’ s a minor key example .
So as long as we ’ re in close proximity to a key , we have access to any of five keys that share either the same key signature or a key signature that ’ s just one sharp away .
Just to illustrate what happens when we don ’ t move to a closely-related key , but instead try to jump to a key on the other side of the Circle of Fifths , we could start from D Major , a key with two sharps , and without warning , we could attempt to play in A flat Major , a key with four flats . Even a non-musician who hears a guitarist jump to a new key like that will have a sense that something isn ’ t quite right .
Whether you need to jump across the Circle or not , you can see ( and hear ) that this is much less of a smooth transition . We of course have the freedom to pause and insert a spoken thought or a prayer to avoid an awkward key jump like this … but not typically on a recorded album .
We can also make our way musically to keys that are further away , but this often involves the process of modulation . And of course , there ’ s also transposition .
For now , though , remember that if you leverage closely-related keys , you ’ ll play song transitions that are much more pleasing to the ear .
In terms of an example of a song order using closely-related keys from today , we could start with a song in D , followed by a song in G , then a song in E minor , another song in D , and end on a song in A . And again , if we have two songs back-to-back that are in the same key , no worries !
As we wrap up , I want to mention the fact that closely-related keys are accessible around the entire Circle of Fifths , as you might imagine . Any of the 24 keys will have five closely-related keys that can be easily found and accessed using this method .
So , put this strategy to use , and watch your options for song sets unfold in wonderful , highly musical ways .
© GuitarSuccess4U . All rights reserved . David Harsh David Harsh is a nationally touring worship leader , songwriter and performing artist . He helps beginning and returning guitarists find a clear path to guitar success with his revolutionary approach . Learn more and join at www . GuitarSuccess4U . com .
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