Worship Musician Magazine February 2022 | Page 45

Yesterday was a Sunday . I had been serving in our elementary class as band director and playing keyboard . The way that works at my church we don ’ t serve every week but the days we do serve we do both the services . In my role I end up missing all or most of the service . Yet , another reason I ’ m thankful for online replays of the service our church offers . I was able to watch later in the day , engaging in what took place during the worship and message times . As I was watching the camera cut to an image of a man that I know through some mutual friends . As fast as I was processing , I know him I was being moved by what I saw . This man was pouring out His praise with such delight . The look on his face expressed joy that he was giving as he worshiped . The sight was beautiful . It encouraged me .
I instantly remembered a couple weeks before when I was at a church in Florida leading worship for a special building grand-opening they were having . One of the services I was leading a group of preteens in worship . There are many times in life I wish I could film and record what my eyes are seeing to show other leaders what is possible . This was one of those moments . This group of preteens participated well . They were doing all the things that I asked : sing , clap , rock fist in the air and lift their hands . What really moved me was the look on their faces as they did it . I didn ’ t just see participation , I saw joy . I wasn ’ t just watching a group of people sing , they were delighting in the process . I believe it was so moving to see because of how unique it was .
You can do something or you can do something and give it your best . There ’ s a lot of congregants young and old that check the box on worship . But there ’ s a much smaller group that is participating like these stories I shared with you … where creation is delighting in its Creator .
We all know our countenance is important . As leaders us smiling on stage is important . Smiling as we walk through the church hallway and foyer is important to making ourselves friendly . In relationships we know that our expressions make a difference .
PRO TIP : Double check your smile looks like a smile . Stand in front of the mirror and see that what looks like a smile . I ’ ve been there before where I thought I was smiling . I felt like I was smiling but it didn ’ t translate on stage as a smile . I had to see what a real smile felt like to my face muscles so I ’ d be aware for those times I can ’ t see what I look like while on stage .
I am reminded of a Bible verse I remember learning in a worship song back when I was a child , “ Why so downcast O my soul , put your hope in God !”. It ’ s found in Psalm 42:11 that says : Why am I discouraged ? Why is my heart so sad ? I will put my hope in God ! I will praise him again — my Savior and my God ! ( NLT ) The Psalmist reminds us again that worship helps us put our trust in God and change our outlook . It ’ s not a one-time thing but an over again thing .
These two recent experiences have stirred my heart to dream and imagine what if we didn ’ t
just sing and engage but actually looked like we enjoyed it while we are participating ? I can ’ t help but see the picture of God singing over us . When I think about how much He delights in us that He responds in song . Let ’ s turn the tables and do the same . Let ’ s take delight in expressing our worship to the Father . May we worship with such passion and joy that it makes other ’ s day . May the joy we express encourage others to choose joy .
What if you challenged those you lead to not just go through the motions but do the heart work involved ? Help them develop a passion for giving their worship in response to all that God has done . Let ’ s encourage joy in those we lead . I believe it starts with our own example but talk them through Psalm 42:11 and what delighting in the Lord looks like . I can only imagine that this is a shift that will be felt for a long time to come . Let ’ s take delight in our King !
© 2022 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music is all the things kids love and everything adults value . Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . She recently authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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