Worship Musician Magazine February 2022 | Page 42

Is there a difference between how you sing as a soloist and how you sing with others ? There should be ! When you are a soloist or a worship leader , what you can do with your voice is quite different than what you should be doing as part of a team . This month I ’ d like to have a look at some of those differences and how you can become more skilled at singing with others .
ARE YOU A GOOD SINGING PARTNER ? It all starts with the right mindset . When you sing with others , whether you are part of a duet or a large choir , you immediately become part of a team . Team players pay attention to many things . Far from being consumed with their own performance , a team player looks to make sure the team is successful . Paying attention to how you can maximize everyone ’ s ability is important . Learning how to best complement your other team members should become one of your top goals . Making sure you function “ as one ” is the key to having a successful team .
What does that mean on a practical level for a singer ? Primarily it means learning how to listen . As part of a team , its important that we listen intently on who we are singing with . This will help us to be able to better blend into one voice . If you are simply belting out your favorite vocal style and not paying attention to what others are doing , your voice is likely going to stick out . In order to blend with others , you have to affect your voice . If you aren ’ t actively affecting your voice , then you are not blending and this leaves others to do the work of blending . Or not . When I visit churches to help with their choirs or worship teams , its rare that I find a team that has learned the art of blending . I can typically hear each individual voice . Although they may all be singing in tune , singing the same song , they are not really singing as a team .
HOW DO I BLEND ? Blending is a learned skill . It starts with listening , as I have stated , but then moves into matching your voice to those you are singing with . This requires being able to change your volume level , your vowel shapes , your vibrato ( if necessary ), your tone quality and that ’ s not even taking into consideration the dynamics of the song , attacks and cut-offs ! There is a lot involved in truly learning to blend , and to get a good blend , all the parties involved need to work at it .
Since it is so important to listen to one another , the best way to get a good blend with other singers is to sing a ’ capella . This will enable you to really listen and adjust without having to fight the added noise of ( especially amplified ) instruments . However , along with listening there needs to a certain level of humility employed . “ It ’ s not about me ” needs to be your mantra .
HARMONY AND FLEXIBILITY ( ADVANCED BLENDING ) Another aspect involved with singing with others is who will sing which part ? Sometimes this is easy , other times … not so much . Sometimes , believe it or not , people will hang onto their lack of skill to put them in a position to sing what they prefer . “ Melody only ” singers put upon their counterparts to always work around them . I understand that singing harmony is an acquired skilled , but it is also a skill that should
be acquired if possible . That ’ s what being on a vocal team requires : parts .
Being flexible with your abilities enables everyone to have the opportunity to sing different parts and keep their voice and range healthy . Finding a good blend with someone can depend on where they are singing in their range and so being able to switch parts can often help create a much better environment for all to grow .
IN CONCLUSION One of my daughters recently told me that , growing up in a house full of singers , she always knew what her role was and how step into it . She knew how to blend and take the harmony part that worked the best for the team . That is especially powerful since she was a brilliant soloist in her own right , going on to become a voice major in college and wonderful vocal coach following in her mama ’ s footsteps . It is an interesting blend of skill and humility that can make a team powerful . In this way everyone ’ s strengths are maximized and weaknesses minimized . It ’ s a great way to make beautiful music !
Sheri Gould Sheri is an internationally acclaimed vocal coach . She ’ s been helping artists and worshipers find their voice for over 40 years . For help and resources visit her site . www . SheriGould . com
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