Worship Musician Magazine February 2022 | Page 110

Sound Products booth . I understand how one can be skeptical … and my only encouragement is to try one and reach your own conclusions !
[ WM ] Well stated on your gear . Lastly , you have a heart for playing worship music and also teaching other worship bass players how to improve their skills … whether touring with Lincoln , teaching workshops at worship conferences or playing at your local churches in Southern California .
What has the Lord laid on your heart about who He is to you , and what you are supposed to be doing with that gift of music ?
[ Norm ] I ’ m a complete grace-case , and am unspeakably grateful for the extravagant love and unreasonable amount of longsuffering and patience He demonstrated in drawing me back to Himself , despite my having bailed out on Him for those eight years of my late teens / early twenties . My life verse is Galatians 2:20 , “ I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live , but Christ lives in me . The life I now live in the body , I live by faith in the Son of God , who loved me and gave himself for me ” NIV .
I ’ m careful to regularly remind myself not to let my identity be wrapped up in music , but rather as a redeemed son and co-heir with Christ .
I view everything I do as a musician as things God prepared in advance . It comes from Ephesians 2:10 “ For we are God ’ s handiwork , created in Christ Jesus to do good works , which God prepared in advance for us to do ” NIV .
It ’ s my deepest desire that those things are a vertical statement , honoring the Giver of gifts .
[ WM ] Thank you Norm , for your time in this conversation and for your friendship all these years . You are truly in our “ Friend for Life Club ”.
[ Norm ] Thank you — and likewise ! Keep up the amazing work you ’ re doing to encourage the muso portion of the Body of Christ !
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