Worship Musician Magazine February 2022 | Page 103

Norm Stockton is a bassist ’ s bass player . Whether on stage , in the studio or in front of a classroom , Norm is an extraordinary person to know – even before he picks up a bass . As a Christian man who is a musician ’ s musician , “ Stormin ’ Norman ” ( my personal nick name for him ) has a lot to offer us . Let ’ s dive right in …
[ WM ] Tell us how you passed up on the glamour of playing the guitar and were drawn to the humble bass side of things ? Ha ! Honestly , why bass ?
[ Norm Stockton ] ( laughs ) My older brother , Ray , was a gifted guitarist from an early age . He used to encourage me to pick up the bass , saying that good guitar players were “ dimea-dozen ”, but that good bass players would always have work ! That thought always stuck with me , and I ’ d often find myself listening to the bass line whenever music was playing . I became a Beatles fanatic in 10th grade and decided to learn to play one of Paul McCartney ’ s bass parts on an acoustic guitar we had lying around the house . That was it . I was hooked .
All that said , I believe that the bass is in many ways driving the whole band from the backseat — it can have so much effect on an ensemble without having to be front & center to do it . So , one could argue that it ’ s the ideal instrument for introvert control freaks ! ( laughs )
[ WM ] When did you first start playing in a church music type of setting ?
[ Norm ] I rededicated my life to Christ in my early 20 ’ s ( after a period I refer to as my “ 8-year spiritual coma ”). The guy who played guitar and led songs in the midweek Bible study I started attending ( in San Diego , where I lived at the time ) found out I played bass and asked if I ’ d be open to helping him with worship . I distinctly remember being confused because
I ’ d always thought that “ worship ” referred to the act of loving and serving God — I had no idea that it had come to mean “ the singing part of the church service .” ( laughs ) In retrospect , I think my initial understanding of the term was probably more accurate !
[ WM ] As you began to step more into the role of professional musician , how did you balance playing both in the mainstream and Christian music circles ? Tell us your perspective as a Christian doing both ?
[ Norm ] There was a period of time after I came back to Christ that I was prepared to quit music . Music was a bit like my Egypt . But God had different plans . Once I realized that any musical gifts I possessed were from and for God , everything changed .
While I didn ’ t personally sense God directing me back to playing keg parties , I did sense his
February 2022 Subscribe for Free ... 103